Monday, May 20, 2024

Last Day as a Junior

Wow.  Monday.  The last day of Maddie's junior experience at high school.  Only one more year to go with her schooling here in Forsyth.  She had a test this morning, one she didn't really think too much about, and that was it.  Out with not a bang, but a whimper. She rode the bus home while Mom and I were on our way back from an appointment we had.

Mom and I had a dentist appointment this morning, and we basically are spending a similar amount that you would spend on a used car this year for Mom.  I mean, yikes.  My teeth were okay this time around.  I'm definitely grinding my teeth at night, but things seem to be okay there as long as I use my mouth guard.  Mom and I went to Cracker Barrel afterwards, enjoying a nice meal together.  It was a date!

We're getting ready for a vacation tomorrow, a small one.  It was a lot of packing today, both clothing and other things.  We're listening to some church messages on the way up, and of course some of the usual music.  We're also packing food for a picnic.

Tonight we watched a few episodes of "Monk," and got to bed early.  Maddie's officially out of school now, and we'll start the summer season with a fun trip to Cherokee and Pigeon Forge tomorrow.  We were looking up different destinations there, and I think we're going to try the Old MacDonald Farm Mini-Golf, one of the courses on our wish list for the last few visits.  There are so many mini-golf courses up there!  Anyway, we were getting ready for our big trip. 

I was working towards Sunday a bit.  Maddie had taekwondo tonight, and I was getting a good bit of work down tonight while Maddie was working.  We also stopped at the grocery store to do a bit of shopping there, picking up some things for our upcoming trip.  

We closed out the day reading, and with prayers of course.  It was a good day.  Tomorrow should be fun!

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