Monday, May 6, 2024

The Lone Egg

So we slept in today.  And we flew in a skiff.  Okay, not really an actual skiff.  But man, when I was young I wanted one of these flying skiffs from "Return of the Jedi" really bad.  It was the one action figure accessory that wasn't made on a large scale.  I remember hearing it was for sale at a FAO Schwarz in New York or something like that.  I wanted it so bad.  Of course, years later, I did get one when they became more available.  But I didn't know until playing this latest Nintendo Switch version of Battlefront that you can fly around in one of those.  So yeah, we were zooming about safely, shooting down stormtroopers and trying to avoid the sarlacc, with those tentacles and the big scary mouth.  Maddie and I were playing that a bit today, but doing some other things too.. like playing dodge ball.  Yes, Maddie had some dodgeball fun tonight at taekwondo.  It was all in the name of avoiding, being flexible and so on.  But it was really  mainly for fun.  And Maddie did so incredibly well in that game, knocking out Master Edge and a few of the other guys.  She had a great time!  Yes, most of the time there tonight was about learning form and sparring.  But there's always a little time for fun too.  Testing is coming up soon.

Mom got me some vinyl records as an early Father's Day gift!  Yes, I now have a few surfing soundtracks - "Lilo & Stich" and "Teen Beach Movie" on vinyl.  The really cool one is the "Tiki Room" soundtrack from the park.  I think the Jungle Boat ride soundtrack is on this vinyl too.  Pretty cool stuff, and I can't wait to hear it.  In fact, we already listened to the "Lilo & Stitch" soundtrack on vinyl tonight.  I've got a larger scale version of that soundtrack on CD, but anything on vinyl is just cool.  Plus there's the images on the vinyl itself.  Cool stuff!

So, a running joke with Easter decorations is the fact that we can't seem to get all the Easter eggs off the outside tree.  Each year, we scour that tree and we think we pull off every single plastic Easter egg.  And some time a few months later, someone notices that in fact we haven't gotten every one.  No, there's this one lone egg left.  Well, this year, we decided we were going to get them all.  Both Maddie and I checked, and we were fairly certain that we got every single plastic tree.  Three years in a row we missed one egg and it stayed up there the rest of the year on the tree.  But not this year, no sir!  This year, we're not going to miss an egg.  Here's a picture Maddie took this week:

Yeah.  We missed one.  Again.  The Lone Egg is back!

We were writing for Castaway Cove today, still pushing forward with the devotional.  That might require some research with Castaway movies and shows.  I'm planning on a few entries dedicated to the seven stranded castaways.  

I've started an amusing project this week.  My personal little Bible study is leaning into Psalms lately and I've been using this AI music generator to actually put some of these Psalms to music.  I plug the lyrics in, as well as a description of the type of song I'd like it to sound like.  The end results can be really fun!  I'm actually thinking about doing all of the Psalms over the summer.  Right now I have about four done, so yeah, 146 or something like that to go!  Here's Psalm 123, which sounds like a killer power rock ballad.  I love this one.

What a fun Bible study, reading Psalms, learning about the background for each one, and actually having AI put them to real music.  The Hawaiian music version of Psalm 93 is pretty amazing too...

Again, it's stunning that AI can do this.  And it's scary to imagine what will happen in the future.  All those Terminator movies were just a joke to us back in the 80's.  But now... 

Okay, moving on.  Tonight we read "From a Certain Point of View."  Afterwards we read, and we prayed too.  It was a nice, restful day.  Need those!

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