Thursday, July 7, 2022

World Series Trophy

So today we went over to the bank to join up with some other Braves fans who got a chance to pose for a picture next to the World Series trophy.  Of course, this is the one the Atlanta Braves just won a few months ago.  You know... this one here?

Yeah, we're posing next to that one.  We were there at the bank in Gainesville this morning, visiting the trophy on its stop along a big tour the trophy is taking throughout the year here.  We waited in line a good bit in the hot sun, but there was water available and there was even free Kona ice, which of course was something Maddie was looking forward to after the photo.  They had a few giveaways, but the real prize was getting a photo next to the trophy itself.

We went to the office after that, continuing our work in setting up for Sunday's KidPak service.  We filmed a good bit for online too - I'm the one actually preaching online this weekend, which is a first for me.  Crazy to think that, given all that I've been speaking at KidPak on stage over the years.  But I'm speaking this Sunday at KidPak both online and in person on stage.  It'll be a fun day.  Mom was gathering costuming and cleaning things up.  

It poured rain today, and how grateful we were for that.  It was so hot and humid, and the rain was so welcome.  We got home and were quite happy to see that it actually started raining there too.  Things are cooler now.  We were off to takwondo after that, and that was good to go to.  Maddie was helping out with the younger kids, and then after that involved in her leadership class once more.  

We get home just in time for Maddie's small group now, and tonight Camille hosted it again after a few weeks of Forward and Summer Xtreme and so on.  This online group is so much fun, and the girls never fail to connect each week, even if some are on vacation.

Maddie does a few screen shots from time to time, and we can hear the girls' laughter from downstairs as she sits in her room and enjoys the small group.  Camille's game tonight was related to National Macaroni Day, which is a day worth celebrating, of course.  Mom actually had some macaroni for me for lunch today, so yes, I got to celebrate.  While Maddie was in small group, we were downstairs watching a movie called "Fitzwilly," which is a 1968 movie with Dick Van Dyke.  It was actually pretty fun, and certainly didn't need to be left to obscurity. 

We read tonight, and this is a long book but a fun one.  We said our prayers, and after that, it was time for bed.  The cicadas are noisy out there, and the temperature is cooler from the rain showers.  It will be a good night's rest.

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