Friday, July 29, 2022

A Most Sincere Pumpkin Patch

We have pumpkins!  Mom was out there pollinating and early on I was out there watering these plants every day.  Despite it all, we had huge growth with these vines but never any pumpkins.  Just last week we were adding fertilizer and I was noticing more bees going from flower to flower, along with Mom's efforts.  The end result?  We have pumpkins!

At last count, we have four little pumpkins just getting started.  These above are the smaller ones, but this one below is our largest, already weighty enough and growing.

And of course, as you'll see below, the flowers are still blooming and the vines still growing.  We might have more pumpkins soon, and that's just wild to think that we could have a lot more. 

 Imagine not actually having to go out and buy any pumpkins because we're growing our own!  That's part of the fun of fall though, going to pumpkin patches and taking in all the atmosphere.  But there's no question about our pumpkin patch right now - it's possibly the most sincere!

Linus waits for the Great Pumpkin to come to the most sincere pumpkin patch, and right now, ours is pretty sincere!  I mean, look at that pumpkin above, just getting started, still with a blossom on top.  It doesn't get much more sincere than that!

Anyway, that was our big news of the day.  We've got fledglings galore on the back deck - at one point, there was a cardinal feeding its two children on one side of the deck while at the same time another blue bird mother was feeding its two kiddos.  All the while a mourning dove was munching on the plate of seeds we placed on the deck while a hummingbird or two flitted about, pushing each other around because they're territorial and by gum, this feeder is the jackpot for free food.

I was out shopping for preschool stuff for the church, as we have that now coming at the church.  But we were also putting the last touches on the weekend, and of course writing for the future.  Narnia is coming later on, but here's a bit of fun writing that is in progress:  we're writing something for Camille's wedding that should be pretty fun.  Hopefully!

We had taekwondo tonight, and Maddie was sparring against some tougher, larger rivals.  But she holds her own, and although she's inwardly occasionally terrified, she still moves forward and spars anyway, which is courage of course.  We're super proud of her.  And she does well, talking about her exploits afterwards in the car on the way home.

Tonight we read, learning more about Constance's backstory.  And we said our prayers too.  Tomorrow we don't have much on the schedule, and that's okay.  School is coming soon, and soon we'll all be fairly busy!

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