Wednesday, July 6, 2022

FCY Tonight

 Maddie invited a friend from school to church tonight, and the two had a great time tonight at service and the cookout afterwards, as well as the games too.  It was a fun night, one where I discovered the game of Four Square, which sort of captured my attention the last part of the evening where we were all chilling out.  It's a fun night, and Sarah is a nice girl.  She came to the birthday party a few weeks ago and stayed for a while longer.

It was a work day, one where I was setting up for our new series quite a bit.  We're also working towards the next series as well, the one we're calling "The Path of the Warrior."  That's the theme from Summer Xtreme, and we'll take certain elements from that with the messages, graphics and even jokes in the skits.  Mom was busy washing and preparing the costumes, and simultaneously getting the costuming ready for our "At the Movies" series that starts this weekend. 

Tonight we watched "Miss Marvel" afterwards, because everyone was still awake and couldn't wait until tomorrow to catch the next episode.  It was a good day today - we still read, and we still prayed of course. We're tired though - probably we'll sleep in tomorrow!

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