Monday, July 25, 2022

Girls Go Shopping

Maddie's friend Lily (and her mom) picked up Maddie today for a big day out shopping!  It was a super fun day for her, one that included a lot of shopping of course, but also a birthday celebration for Lily too.  They had boba tea, because you can apparently never have too much boba tea.  And there was lunch at Applebee's as well, a restaurant Maddie doesn't go to, and she wasn't sure what to expect, but she enjoyed it.  She got back much later this afternoon, and it was exactly time to go out to taekwondo at that time, so she was once again off and running towards Oakwood to be in her leadership class and her black belt class as well.  Meanwhile, Nana and I were off grocery shopping for a few items on Mom's list, but also a few items not on the list as always.  I'm frequently on the lookout for some new gluten free items for Mom to try out.  We've had a few good ones lately.  

Tonight's movie was "Castle in the Sky," because today is Miyazaki Monday, apparently.  We've been watching these Miyazaki movies this summer, somewhat of a marathon, or at least an unofficial cinema festival.  Anyway, we enjoyed the movie again, and the next one on the docket is going to be "Howl's Moving Castle."  This will wrap up the big four Miyazaki movies to us, but we still like the others that we'll get to soon enough.  It's all part of the movie festival we're having at our house.

We did some reading afterwards, and we said our prayers after that.  It was a quiet day today, but it was a super fun one for Maddie, who loves hanging around with her friends.  She'll do more of that this week, but for now... it's time for bed.

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