Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Bug-A-Salt Weapon

Mom got me a "Bug-a-Salt 3.0" gun today, and it was a fun surprise.  The long cardboard box was wrapped in wrapping paper and put on the bed so that when I got home I could see the surprise there.  I had a smile on like Ralphie getting his Red Ryder BB gun, and in fact I couldn't get the thing opened soon enough.  Hastily, I went down to the kitchen and realized why Mom had put two containers of salt on the grocery list.  One of those containers was ammunition!  I loaded up the salt gun, and sprung to action outside, looking for targets.  Just what are those targets that I intended to rain down salted fury upon?  The juro spiders, of course!  It's not easy to find this invasive spider species all over our back yard, weaving tangled sticky webs all over, some ambitiously across the steps as if they could catch a large human.  Shots rang out in the sky, and suddenly I became aware of the importance of the Second Amendment.  It was this that James Madison wrote the amendment about, not just to help citizens stay armed and ready to defeat a tyrannical government, but also to keep us safe from tyrannical juro spiders and house flies.

Let's just say the thing works really well.  A little too well, in fact.  It doesn't vaporize these creatures though - it is an explosion of salt that a bug of that size cannot recover from.  The last thing that goes through that bug's mind?  It's bottom.  

This is a much cheaper - and ultimately much healthier - choice for getting rid of these juro spiders.  It may feel like it's just a little toy, but it's pretty effective!

Anyway, today was a quiet day.  I've been working on the "Spies in Disguise" message for this weekend, and it's going to be great.  Really great.  Some of these movies sink in a bit after watching a few times, and you realize the powerful messages that can be drawn from them.  This line is comical, but at the same time  right on:  "We're called to bring people together, not blow them up."  Or, in other words, blessed are the peacemakers.  

Simultaneous to this message, I'm formulating the first of our Narnia messages, and that's exciting.  It's good to be working at my trade again!  Writing messages is somewhat invigorating for the spirit, something I certainly need lately.  We've been in quarantine for quite a long time, this due to family dynamics.  Perhaps I'm taking out my aggressions on the juro spiders with this assault weapon...

Anyway, Maddie and I got to play LEGO Star Wars for a bit, enjoying "The Last Jedi."  Which I know sounds like an oxymoron:  "enjoying" and "The Last Jedi."  But this is the LEGO version, and it's still fun.  We're on that island named Ahch-To.  Bless you.  LEGO porgs are fun, and follow you around, and that's not too bad of a thing, is it?  

It's been raining on and off today. The heat and humidity are there, but the weather seems tropical in a way.  It doesn't feel like gulf weather at the moment - there's a texture to the atmosphere when storm systems blow in from the south.  But this is hot and sticky and not entirely pleasant when the sun is shining.  But the clouds have been rolling in, and the rain has been coming down in steady torrents.  Not having to water anything is nice, of course, and so is just sitting out there under the canopy on a rainy day, listening to the sounds of rainfall on the leaves, along with the sounds of birds and creatures in the woods, scurrying about and enjoying their day.  Except the juro spiders, of course!

Anyway, it was a decent day. We read from our story again tonight, and soon after that came prayers and sleep.  I'm sleepy at night, which on one hand makes a lot of sense.  But the medication makes me tired a lot.  I take ten pills a day, all still prescribed.  But I'm doing better.  We said our prayers tonight, and slept well to the sound of rainfall outside, ready for a new day tomorrow.

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