Sunday, July 10, 2022

Wedding Shower


Full day today!  We started out this morning "At the Movies" with a KidPak series that changes the format of what we usually do, simply showing clips from a current movie to show some Biblical concepts.  Maddie, Camille, Nia and Jeremiah are seen above as concessions for the movies.

It was a comical moment in the service, or at least for a few of us, where I was on stage and I mentioned earning free tokens to our Pak Sha, to get free concessions.  At the word, "concessions," the costumed characters all danced out with their little march, singing "Let's all go to the lobby, let's all go to the lobby..."

It was a lot of fun.  Maddie and her friends were having a great time this morning, as there wasn't as much responsibility, and more of a chance to chill with some others, hanging out and talking.

As for me, I was all over the place, mainly because I was delivering the message this morning.  We were talking about the movie "Sing 2," which I wrote a pretty decent message for that fell along the these three points:

1.  Everyone has dreams.
2.  Everyone has obstacles.
3.  Not everyone has someone to help.

This movie shows people helping others, guiding them, encouraging them and so on, and so I was out there speaking again - second week in a row.

The scripture that went along with today's message - the memory verse - was from 1 Thessalonians 5:11,  "So encourage one another with the hope you have. Build each other up. In fact, that’s what you are doing."

It went well, but it made for a pretty exhausting morning!  No time for rest when we got home though, because today was the day of Camille's and Chris' baby shower! 

Unfortunately, Camille's parents both have that dreaded virus with such awful timing too.  They watched via a livestream, and we were grateful for that sort of technology.  I was originally planning on being the guy to hold the computer for the livestream, when the thought occurred to me that we didn't have a photographer for the event.  And so, despite the fact that my camera is not really working that well, we realized that maybe there needed to be someone to take pictures, which is why Camille asked me .  

First of all, I was grateful for the opportunity to help.  These are dear, dear friends.  Secondly, the pictures came out really great.  I took so many pictures today of guests and the event itself, and for the most part, they all came out really well.  The camera held up, despite its inability to focus from time to time.  I have below a few pictures - just a few - and of course there are a lot of Maddie in here.  

She had a great time today, really enjoying the company, the atmosphere, and the food too.

Ironically, the girl assigned with making the food came down with the same sickness, and so she too couldn't show up or help.  So her parents did the work, and they did a lot of research online, learning how to put all these together.  They did absolutely amazing.  It was perfect.

Maddie obviously took this one picture of me, maybe the only one of me there.  I took lots of pictures of everyone else at the event, but wanted to make sure there was a photo of Mom and I there too.

Mom had a really good time too, talking with friends and enjoying the atmosphere.  While we were there, a tremendous thunderstorm came upon us - a real wedding shower - and we were so comfortable inside we wouldn't have known it, other than the slight dips in power and the view out the windows way up above.

Many of our friends were there, and I made sure to get all kinds of photographs of them having fun, talking, or watching as Camille and Chris opened their gifts.

This one was early on.  Maddie is one of the first to her table, enjoying the food she picked up from the line-up.

Elizabeth is here to the left, the maid of honor who is helping Camille out tremendously with the process.  These two are good friends, really good friends, and we've all been working together at the church for a bit, particularly during Forward a month ago.

There's Josie and Isaac, almost married a year themselves now.  A lot of our church friends were here today, and it was great to see the turnout.

I told you there's be a lot of pictures of Maddie.  


Here's Camille's Aunt, who could make it and had a splendid afternoon.

This is Camille seeing her gift from Maddie for the first time, after unwrapping it.  She got her a unicorn taco holder, and she got Chris a dinosaur taco holder!

These were super fun gifts, and added some laughs to the afternoon.  We went to the registry and got some laundry-related items and even got the laundry basket on her list, using that as her "gift basket," where we put all our wrapped gifts inside.  It was hilarious watching her open a very elegantly wrapped gift, to find out it was sanitary wipes.  But of course there were a lot of other items there too, things on her list and things that Mom knew would be practical.

It was great to see so many gifts, and this is just round one for them.  His side of the family is doing another wedding shower next week, so they get to do it all over again.  We got round one though!

Maddie looked great today, didn't she?  She's sporting her new contact lenses, which don't seem to be causing her any troubles.  

And there's Nana, seated right at the front to watch the whole event.  She was smiling a lot, enjoying the goings-ons.  And eating a lot.  We've determined that she'll eat a lot of anything that Mom doesn't cook.  

Camille insisted on this picture above, taken towards the very end.  I was taking photos of people with he happy couple, and so thankful they all came out.  That camera can be frustrating with its lack of focus, but today it seemed to work out well.

Here's Mom at the end, talking with the Quick family.  Calvin was back with her just for today, and that was a nice visit.  

And this cracked me up.  Maddie saw this "rose," took a picture of it, and did her best Beast impersonation from "Beauty and the Beast," singing, "Now I know she'll never leave me...!"  It was pretty funny.  She also gets credit for the joke about the rain, saying it was an actual wedding shower.

The venue was nice there, a mill location we'd never been to before by the railroad.  It all had a very industrial look about it, obviously, but it worked perfectly and made for a very nice afternoon.

And everyone had a great time.  It was one of those celebrations where no one was really anxious to get out the door so quickly.  Which is always a great sign that everyone is enjoying the day.  I think it's the company of course.  We love everyone there.

And of course we love the happy couple.  You could just see Camille was so happy throughout this event.  The word "rejoice" seems so over-the-top sometimes, but for this occasion, there was in fact a great deal of rejoicing.  

At the end of it all, we got home - I was editing photos for a good bit, but we settled down to watch a movie, "Trolls:  World Tour."  That is a bonkers movie.  I mean, they had a creative team meeting before that movie, and nobody ever said no to any crazy idea at all.  Let's put them all in there!  It was a fun movie.  We definitely liked the first better, but this was a fun movie too.

We were tired afterwards.  We said our prayers, and read from our ongoing story a bit... and then were fast asleep not long afterwards.

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