Saturday, May 13, 2023

She Got Slimed!


This was old-school fun - we needed slime for tomorrow morning's KidPak skit, and when we were looking at our old Tinker Crate kits from a few years ago, we were actually able to find some glow-in-the-dark ingredients for making more slime.  There was enough leftover that we could make a few batches, so tonight we did just that, and it was kind of fun!

We have ourselves a couple ziplock bags of slime for tomorrow, and it is indeed slimy!

This morning we were at Team Edge practice, and it's a big one because the team will be performing before parents a few nights this week upcoming.  Everyone came in uniform, so I was ready with my camera for a few snaps.

When we got home afterwards, we had a bite to eat there, but Maddie stayed home when we decided to head over to visit with Nana.  Maddie's been feeling sick, and we thought it best that she stayed home for that.  Mom and I stayed about three hours there, as Nana was watching a movie with some friends, and that was nice to see.  We did our usual routine of changing the sheets and cleaning up a bit, but we also gave Nana a few Mother's Day gifts as well, which were greatly appreciated.

We got home, and we had some Chick-Fil-A that we picked up in the drive through, and Maddie and I returned to the Disney Infinity game based on Guardians of the Galaxy, which was a blast from the past.  And yes, afterwards, we watched "Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2," which was good - we're all ready for going to the theater to see the third movie now, if everyone can stay healthy.  That being said, we're having a bit of an issue with sore throats here...

Anyway, we got to bed early tonight because tomorrow is a church morning.  We started a new book, and it's a classic:  "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."  This is mandatory reading for all geeks.  I think I've read this one three time maybe, along with the following books too.  We'll see what Maddie thinks 
when all is said and done, but presently, she likes what she's heard in chapter one.  It's neat that now that I'm re-reading this, the dialogue is in fact there at the beginning of the movie as is.  Maddie's seen the movie maybe twice, so some of this is familiar territory.  I can't wait to start reading about Marvin.

Okay, we said our prayers after that, and after that, it was time for some rest.  We're back to KidPak Labs tomorrow!

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