Monday, May 22, 2023

The Forehead Collection

Maddie has been taking pictures lately, and for some reason popping up in a lot of her photographs are ones using a filter that sort of stretches things, and then she takes it from an angle just atop someone's head, and the end result is these Megamind-type foreheads that look something like this...

Yes, we now present the "Forehead Collection."  Soon enough, you'll be seeing these in a fine art gallery near you on tour.  An excerpt from the gallery exhibition:

"This artist celebrates the beauty foreheads near and far, embracing the little heralded, solid blank area of skin just above one's eyebrows in a way that no other creative presence has dared to thus before.  Bold and innovative, Maddie's Forehead Collection is a visual triumph, and a landmark gallery moment in the history of art photography."

Okay, anyway, today was a decent day.  I was busy with pre-school graduation services and a visit to the dentist that brought some bad news:  I grind my teeth.  And that's been common knowledge.  I have a mouth guard, but I lost it, and now I've damaged tooth #15.  I only know about the whereabouts of tooth #15 because it is broken down to the nerve, and yes, that means an upcoming root canal.  This is the most prestigious of things to not look forward to.  There's got to be a top ten list of "things not looking forward to," with items on it like difficult final exams or a bad break-ups.  At number one might be root canal.

Anyway, we slept in today, and that made it better.  Maddie didn't have any tests or school today, so that was an okay thing for her.  She was studying today, and she's got a few final exams upcoming that she's most certainly not looking forward to.  Still better than a root canal though.  It was raining today, and that was sort of a given, as the weather lately has been frequently rainy.

Tonight we were watching "Muppets Mayhem" some more, and I really love this old-school Muppets show so much.  It's just been brilliant fun, and so much nostalgia too.  My favorite quote comes from Dr. Teeth, nonchalantly spoken after attempting the "one-chip challenge."  For background, this one-chip challenge involves eating a potato chip that is laden with the hottest peppers known to mankind, the equivalent of a nuclear weapon on the Schofield scale.  Anyway, he seems to be walking around okay afterwards, and someone says as much, when Dr. Teeth corrects that person with this hilarious line:

Mom and I were cracking up all the way through this.  It's super fun - a wonderful visit with the Muppets that we could just keep on watching!

Maddie does have a test, so it's off to bed early tonight.  We read, and we said our prayers.  We're staying away from that one-chip challenge.  Even if Maddie can tolerate a great deal of spice and heat, she's not going there.  That's wisdom.  So is getting to bed early tonight.  As we go off to sleep, here are some other images from Maddie's phone - not quite foreheads, but close!  Goodnight!

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