Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Quite a Day

Quite a day today.  It was busy before it all started, with a full and confusing schedule that we were stretching it to accommodate.  And then the unexpected occurred.  But first, the scheduled:  the root canal. Okay, no big deal compared to other things.  Except for it took an hour and a half and that's after waiting about a half hour or so because of a delay from a previous patient.  Anyway, it was a root canal, and therefore a miserable experience - and I got home to find out that Nana was on her way to the hospital.  She was feeling weak, very much so, and her heart rate was all over the map.  A hospital visit was deemed necessary, so the moment I got home, Maddie, Mom and I were on our way to Northside Hospital in Cumming to visit.  That's me and Maddie up top there, sitting in the wait room for quite some time.  It was a big crowd there at the hospital for different reasons, but Nana was already there and we had to wait a while to find out what was going on.  For one, Nana refuses medical expertise frequently and it's difficult to get her there unless there's something serious going on.  And in this case, we learned much later on - after church tonight in fact - that there was in fact something very serious going on.  There was in fact some issues of heart pressure, but there's also a mass on her lungs.  The oncologist there confirmed what we thought - Nana is so frail and weak that there was no point in extensive tests and even treatment.  It's a tough situation, and while Nana is in the hospital, we're left with "let's just take this day by day."

We got back, and Maddie had a big event to go to at FCY.  Maddie and I went down to Gwinnett's Free Chapel where there was a United event for all the FCY locations to join in on at that campus and watch some wrestling!

Yeah, that happened in church.  Wasn't the first time though - back in the day at early Free Chapel, I remember going to see Sting, the Road Warriors and more.  I even got a signed t-shirt from Ted DeBiase, the "Million Dollar Man," who shared a message with everyone afterwards.  Sting - no the singer, but the wrestler - was there with his full make-up on, and it was a pretty awesome moment.  I talked with the the pastors later on and they were commenting on the success of the evening, and they were speaking about how the guys were really into this, although the girls were not as much into the events in the ring.  Maddie, however, was definitely enjoying the sparring.  She knew a lot of it was staged, but still there were some impacts there that got everyone with gasping somewhat.  She loved it though, along with the usual array of carnival rides and food.  It was super fun tonight - of course there was worship and a message.  It was a great night that even ended in fireworks.

We got home late, and yeah, we were all pretty tired.  Big day.

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