Wednesday, August 25, 2021

National Banana Split Day

Today is National Banana Split Day, and as you can see, we celebrated in a pretty awesome way!  It's important to stop and properly celebrate these sorts of days, and we made sure we got it done right.  I stopped on the way home to pick up all kinds of tasty ingredients, including ice cream, bananas, and whipped cream.  After dinner, we sat together and enjoyed these masterpieces.  Maddie designed her own, top left, but I think ultimately they all taste the same - delicious!

It was a quiet day today.  Maddie had her small group tonight, which featured a game of concentration that was based on National Banana Split Day, where the girls had to match the different ingredients.  Maddie won the game last week, but this week all she was able to match was a bowl!  Still, it's fun, and the message and time together is important.  She's enjoying that.  Afterwards, we were watching the latest episode of Marvel's "What If?"  And after that, she was back to studying.  She's got a lot of different things going on, including a geometry unit test, among other things.  She spent a great deal of time studying and doing homework tonight.

We read tonight, reading about how much trouble Philby was having with a battle in one of the state rooms, one he was unable to leave because of a strand of hair he picked up on a pillow.  Meanwhile, Charlene and Willa are lost on Castaway Cay, which doesn't sound like the most terrible of circumstances, but I suppose they're mission-minded, wanting to get back and save the day.  The different characters are having their own adventures - we're about three hundred pages in, but there's another two hundred to go.  And then the next book.  We'll be reading these for quite some time, I think, maybe into early in the next year.  I guess it makes it easy to decide which book we're going to do next.  We've got a long way to go on this series, and then there'll be a new one coming out soon enough!

We said our prayers, and then we were off to bed tonight.  It's been a good day, but a quiet one.  Having a banana split always helps though!

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