Thursday, August 19, 2021

A Clutter

Maddie snapped this picture in the morning of one of the flowers on the front porch outside on the way to school.  The morning drop-off has been pretty easy.  She gets up and gets ready, we say a quick prayer and that's pretty much it, although we do take a picture at the fireplace each morning.  Mom and I are starting to get a bit better.  I went by to get a test today, the one where you stick the cotton swab up your nose a bit.  It was quick and easy to do, and we'll just wait on those results.  The joro spider battle continues, as this is clearly a very massive swarm of these things.  I just looked it up, and the official word is "clutter."  It's a clutter of spiders.  I was opening windows on the second floor here, reaching out with the broom stick and trying to convince these spiders that Halloween decorations don't go up until later on in the season.  I knocked down and cleaned out so many webs - it's gross!

Anyway, we were over to taekwondo tonight, where Maddie was training the young whippersnappers to kick other kids in the face.  Okay, that's not a completely accurate assessment.  But her learning to be an instructor is continuing, and she's learning to be patient.  She started out one exercise reminding one of the students that's it's a good idea not to fall just this one time.  He falls down a good bit while doing certain kicks.  And other moves.  They all fall from time to time, but for some reason, this one student does that a little more, and Maddie was making a joke about that, which tickled the instructors.  She's doing well though, and afterwards, the instructors and came out to the car to meet me, as I've been isolating myself in the car for a few weeks here.  Tomorrow I'll return to taekwondo, but tonight it was nice of Bart and Chris to come out to the car to say hello.  I was reading my book on Washington still.

Speaking of social studies, Maddie was working on her AP Geography assignment when she got home.  It's been a long assignment, one she's been working on and pacing herself with throughout the week.  Mom, Nana and I were watching "The Castaway Cowboy," which is just the type of movie I purchased Disney+ for.  It's 1970's movie, and it's obscure and old-school, and we enjoyed it, actually.  Maddie finished up her homework about the time we finished our movie, and then it was time for reading, and time for bed.  It was a decent day, and we're starting to feel better, Mom and I.  

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