Friday, August 6, 2021

Spirit Wear

Day two!  Maddie's wearing her East Forsyth t-shirt we got at open house, and it looks great with the general gray color that she likes to wear nowadays.  Long gone are the days of pink and so on.  She had a good day at school again, and we even learned of an upcoming field trip - a major one - in March.  We're talking Disney World with her theater group, and the band too.  It's a lot of money, but there's time to start saving up.  We're talking about it and how to make it work for her.  Mom and I might not be able to go anywhere, but at least we can send Maddie off.  At least that's the hope.

Today is Friday, so again there was taekwondo tonight, and a lot of it.  My symptoms rage on, so Mom and Nana took Maddie there.  We got back to watch some of our programming, including the last episode of season one of "The Mysterious Benedict Society."  It was good.  There are obviously some differences from the book, and as Maddie has been reading the book along with watching the show, she's been telling us about different things and events within.  She's almost wrapped up with that book too.

The Bad Batch feature the end of Tipoca City, which is such a great visit in the game "Battlefront II."  Maddie and I have spent hours there battling the Empire or whoever.  It turns out, in the end, the Empire wins, these ginormous star destroyers descending downward and raining down a punishing barrage of laser fire.  It was a sad ending to the episode, and it matched the tone of the revelation that one character Crosshair made moments earlier.  It's certainly a great cliffhanger episode - we were all sitting there with our jaws dropped, and nothing to do but wait a whole week for the next episode.

As mentioned earlier, I am sick.  I'm isolated, watching from a different room, sleeping in a different room - all of that.  We don't hold hands when we pray, but we do pray, and I do still read.  Tomorrow we can sleep in a little, but unfortunately, I haven't been sleeping much at night at all.  Hopefully that will change soon.

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