Thursday, August 12, 2021

Blueberry Pancakes

 Mom makes these incredible blueberry pancakes.  And again, the pancakes are from our own garden, so there's just something magically delicious about these pancakes.  She made some for all of us, and we were eating more of these than we probably should have, but they are so good.  Those blueberries just pop in your mouth, explosions of delicious flavor. 

As for our blueberry harvest, it's been huge.  Mom and Nana head out there to the blueberry bushes, and just keep bringing back all of these large quantities of blueberries, as more and more are ready each day.  They fill up a little tub, and then add that amount to the motherlode.  We're adding these to the freezer, because there's more than we can actually eat right now.  Blueberry muffins are coming soon!

Maddie had taekwondo tonight, but I'm hanging out in the car, rather than go into the studio.  Eventually I'll get around to going inside the ATA studio when I'm absolutely confident that I'm good for that.  I've got a test coming up to confirm one thing or another, and there are so many people signing up for these types of tests lately.  There's a definite rise in things here locally, and schools and other places are going back to strongly recommending that people wear masks.  I wear one for courtesy, although it's just for optics.  As for the vaccination, obviously I won't need one now.  Nor will Mom.  Nevertheless, despite the fact that there are antibodies in our systems to prevent us from being carriers or spreaders, there's still this odd pressure to get a vaccination.  It's like you just had the worst flu, and right after that being pressured to get a flu shot.  That's the world we live in now.  From what I understand, some states are requiring that you "show your papers" before going into restaurants or public places.  As in, show your vaccination papers.  I was raised watching movies about how awful the Soviet Union was, where its poor citizens were forced to show their papers all the time, whether for travel or anywhere else.  It's a hard sell for my generation to show paperwork to go eat at a restaurant.  

Anyway, today went well for Maddie at school.  She's got some plays coming up, and she's got all kind of different directions at school - molecular studies in biology, honors geometry, Spanish and more.  It's a lot of work, but she's sticking with it.  For that reason, we got a couple cans of ginger beer for the road home, a nice little reward.  We both love that stuff.  It's also good for the stomach, so hopefully that will help me out somewhat.  But she's doing well in school, and she seems to be enjoying it, and the new friends she's making in theater and other classes.  I'm so glad.

We read tonight, and we said our prayers afterwards.  We're getting to bed early lately, as we're trying to stay healthy, and Maddie is wanting to make sure she's well-rested for school.  It was a good day today.

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