Thursday, October 15, 2020

Nightmare Day

Madison had a great day at school, although she's not sure about the two summative she had for math and Spanish.  She studied hard for both, and she's doing well in school, so we're not even that worried.  We know she got a 100 on her ELA summative, cementing a pretty good grade in that class.  Tomorrow is Rewards Day, which comes at the end of each quarter.  She's earned a good and fun day tomorrow.  In fact, my mother got Madison something she was wanting:  Minecraft on her personal phone.

The rest of the day... was pretty bad.  Madison has been so good through it all though, patient, understanding, and worried as we are.

This day was worse than the earlier one, and we're approaching a critical moment with our decision making process.  Nana won't eat, and she can't remember a lot of what is being said, and even worse, she's belligerent and wants to go somewhere else.  Mommy has gotten sick because of this - again.  It's a stressful time for the family.  Madison has been talking with her friends in her room, hiding somewhat.  Nana doesn't trust anyone and doesn't want to be here.  We'd be fine with that if we knew she'd be okay.  But she doesn't eat, and has no idea where she wants to drive to and has no money and so on... it got so bad today that we called the police department.  Yes, the police came to help round her up from a lengthy walk through the neighborhood.    They can't do anything until she endangers herself or others, and that's understandable.  We can't do much right now but endure.

The plan has been to get her finances in order with life insurance and so on, compensation for the funeral, sales of the condo, and things like that, and then see what her options were from.  The dream was that she could live with us, and we could use her money to cover her medical expenses, and of course all the other things she needs.  We even had this wild thought about making up our basement as a separate living area that she could enjoy that would be all her own.  

As for medical costs and check-ups, she hasn't been to the doctor in years, simply because her husband has been to the doctors over and over again for stage four cancer.  So while that was all going on, Nana has been steadily getting worse with memory issues.  I can't tell you the amount of times I've answered the same questions while she was here.  The problem currently is how aggravated she is.  "Belligerent" is the best word for it.  "Abusive" is a close second.  She's furious that she has to be here, and yet doesn't have anywhere else to go.

It's pretty much been one of the worst days I've ever had personally, and it's even worse for Mommy.  This would include our own personal hospital visits for various ailments.  Because at least with that there's hope and medicine, and a path forward.  We're so unsure of things right now, but we're doing our best.  

Tonight, Madison had a good time over at a neighbor's house, tutoring some of the younger kids with multiplication and spelling.  She was over there because our neighbor was so kind as to take her in while we hopefully calmed things down somewhat.  Another neighbor across the street would visit and bring his new puppy along, and that always cheers things up.  We're seriously considering a puppy right now.  It might offer some hope, and might lighten things up at the house during these moments.

Anyway, I'm so tired.  The plan was to do a good deal of work, but that fell through.  I had gotten up super early this morning to go down to Dacula and have KidPak at Hebron Christian Academy.

You can see we had a big crowd there on hand to see us for chapel in the gymnasium.  We did a condensed version of KidPak, as we usually do, visiting with the series "Time Travelers," which of course is what we're doing at the church itself lately.

It went really well, and the kids were all very much excited about the entire service.  It required an early departure on my part, as it's about an hour away.  But it worked out well, and afterwards, the volunteers and staff went to have a fairly substantial breakfast at Waffle House.  No joke:  I haven't eaten there in at least two decades.  Part of that is due to Mom's gluten intolerance.  Anyway, I was pleased they still had a jukebox there, so of course I had to play what I always, always, always used to play at Waffle House jukeboxes in the 90's:  Elvis' American Trilogy.  It was epic.  I love hearing that song in a Waffle House.  

So I was up about 4am, and that was due to Nana wandering into our bathroom.  I never really got back to sleep, and by the time 10pm rolled around tonight, I was a goner.  Still tired, in fact.  It was a long day.

Another bright spot on the day:  The Atlanta Braves came back for game four and won that one, 10-2.  They are now up on the Dodgers 3-1, and only need to win one game more.  The Dodgers have to win 3 in a row.  Whoever can do that first will go to the World Series, and for the Braves, it will be the first time this century.  This is somewhat of a shock, as the 90's was a time where the Braves made it frequently to the World Series.  And though they've been in the playoffs quite frequently since then, the last time they even got to the National League Division series was in 2001, I believe.  So this is the farthest they've gone in quite some time, and it's so great to see.  All the negativity in the air with the election, the pandemic, and the home situation... it's nice to get that bit of good news going.  We'll no doubt be taking a Braves-style Ozuna selfie soon.  

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