Thursday, October 1, 2020

October is Here!


I found the sacred cereal trilogy tonight, because it's October and it's not really October until you have these fine cereal products!  Of course, by "fine cereal products," I am in no way implying that these are healthy choices.  I actually don't know what the nutritional aspects are of these cereals.  All I know is that they have Booberry, Frankenberry and Count Chocula on the front of the packaging, and that's okay with me.

Tonight Madison had taekwondo as well as her leadership class, and she's looking very sharp on her form. She's been practicing a lot, and in one case during the leadership class tonight, she was called to the front to do some teaching herself.  She had to lift her voice up a little and project some, this basically because she was nervous.  But she recovered and did a nice job up there in front of everyone.  It was nice to see.

Today was a better day with Nana, who seems to be getting more comfortable with the house and with us and the idea of what the future may look like.  She's not fleeing out the door and down the street to get her thoughts together and at some points feels a bit of peace about it all.  This morning, we were on the phone with the VA about insurance and so forth, and we were able to handle that aspect of things.  We'll deal with social security tomorrow, and in the mean time, the condo has had several visitors, one of them returning to take a second look.  Things are moving forward.

Madison has been working on an online social studies project, and in a more comical project, they're building a chair in class completely out of cardboard, one I think their teacher has to actually sit on.  She's been inviting her friends from school to the Trunk or Treat event at Edge ATA, and two of them should be there, so that will be a nice evening for her.  She's doing well at school, and she seems to be happy with the friends she has, although some days are more boring than others.  In some respects, her science class is like that, partially because certain things are so easy for her.  Hopefully that will become more challenging soon enough, although she does seem to appreciate the Periodic Table of Elements somewhat.  That doesn't mean she wants a chemistry set anytime soon.  In fact, I offered her one and she politely declined.  

Tonight before bed we watched a movie we didn't get around to seeing last October, and because it is now October again, we watched the 2019 movie, "The Addams Family."  While it's going to be super hard to come close to the love I have for the live action series from the nineties, this was still a fun movie for all of us.  The characters look more like the original designs from the original comic, and that made for a very unique movie.  And of course, all the creepy and cooky things about the house and characters were there, which was a lot of fun.  The story itself went slightly off the rails towards the end, but it was still an enjoyable night together on the couch.  Nana was there beside us, all four of us enjoying a nice October movie together.

We prayed tonight, and we read from our devotional and then of course from "The Wizard of Oz."  Yes, we're still on that book.  We just haven't been able to read every single night this week due to the circumstances we're in.  But we're almost done.  Tonight we were in the land of China dolls, and I believe tomorrow we may finally meet a character that can actually help Dorothy out of Oz.  Unlike that first movie, this visit was not a dream, so it's not as simple as "Wake up!"

Speaking of waking up, it's time for bed.  Mommy and I are sleeping on the couch, fairly close to the front door there.  But at least we're all together, and things seem to have settled down somewhat.  It will get better.  She was at Wal-Mart with Nana, and something happened there:

"l didn't tell you about this man that came up to us in Walmart yesterday and out of the blue said "Things are gonna get better,God bless" It was a God thing for sure and made me tear up."

Things are going to get better.  That time is coming, and we're grateful for that.

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