Friday, October 9, 2020

Delta in the Delta

Hurricane Delta actually hit the Delta area, which seems like somewhat of a prophetic name, doesn't it?  I'm sure the folks living in Gamma are a bit nervous now.  We already went through the regular names, as it's been a pretty active hurricane season.  We've had over twenty-six tropical depressions, storms and hurricanes, and now we're going through the Greek letters.  When Hurricane Delta came around, I'm sure the folks in Louisiana were rolling their eyes, because a name like that kind of just immediately says where it is heading to. And that's a real shame, as I believe they've already had two hurricanes hit them this year so far.  Crazy.

Speaking of Louisiana, we went to the Haunted Mansion tonight, which of course is located in the bayou there.  This immediately has all three of us making that joke people in Louisiana are sick of.  "It's okay by me, if it's okay bayou!"

Anyway, I brought this one out of hiding, this board game that I put together a few years ago.  It's still available to download and print for free online - you just have to be ready to spend several hours cutting and gluing it all together.  It's lasted a few years though, and tonight, Mommy, Madison and I sat down to play a game together.

We got the Disney theme music playing too, and got started with a neck-and-neck race to Escape from the Haunted Mansion.  And right after this, we continued the theme and actually watched the movie together with Nana too.

She had a good day today, and this was after a few rough ones in a row.  She was in a good mood this afternoon, actually laughing a bit more than she's been.  She was doing a lot of garden work with Mommy, and a lot less sitting out on the porch, staring or crying.  It's been super hard on Mommy, and none of us can really fathom what either is going through completely.  Nana and Ba-Ba were married for fifty years, and on top of that, she's struggling in her mind with some worrisome symptoms.

But today was a good day, and these are so nice.  It's like you've been holding your breath for days and suddenly you can breathe again.  Everyone was laughing, and we had dinner together, and Nana actually ate food, and things were normal for a time.  You really learn to appreciate these moments.

We were all washing the dishes together, laughing and carrying on.  We've had to wash the dishes in the laundry room tub lately, until we get a neighbor over to look at the plumbing being the sink.  He should be here this weekend, I think.  Meanwhile, I've been at work collecting costumes and doing a lot of fixing up.  I got in later today, as each morning I've been scanning documents and emailing things related to insurance, benefits, or real estate.  The good news of the day is that the condo is going to be signed over to new owners by the end of this month, so that will be one thing we'll have checked off the list.  There are so many check marks left to go though.

One day at a time!  It'll be okay.  It's easy to stress out when you think of it all at once, and we really haven't had time to think of anything else.  We're not on social media or watching the news or really doing much of anything lately but going through all these hoops, getting check marks down here or there.  It's a busy season. But the good news is that things are in fact getting done and progress is being made.  We're moving forward, with God's help.

Tonight we watched "Chicken Little" before bed, a seasonal staple, and then we prayed together before bed.  We read from our devotional - Madison is enjoying the elemental devotional I've written, at least the part where she has to try and guess what element it is based on the symbol at the top. She's guessed every single one right so far.  We'll see how it goes when we get to some of those obscure radioactive ones...!  Anyway, we continued reading "Choices of One," and we met Mara Jade for the first time in this book.  The story is picking up.

And not long after that, we were all in bed, all of us asleep as the rain started coming in.  It's rain from Delta, though not as intense as what they're experiencing in Louisiana again.  The bands are outstretched to here in Georgia, and we're getting all kinds of wet now, and tomorrow.  It'll spoil the weekend's plans for quite a few, but last weekend was just so perfect, and we were able to do so much with Nana outside.  It'll be okay.

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