Thursday, October 22, 2020

New Axe

For some reason, Madison has this axe.  I think it came from last Saturday, which was a day Madison got to spend with the grandparents Ye-Ye and Nana.  It's not a real axe, of course.  It's a plastic decoration that went along with some Halloween decoration, maybe picked up in a store, or perhaps something found inside Nana and Ye-Ye's house.  Regardless, Madison has it now, and she jumps out with it from time to time, scaring me whenever she could.  Because why not?

Here's a photo of those flowers that Bailee and her family gave us this week, one taken by Madison on her cell phone.  She's been taking more pictures lately, as the weather outside has been simply beautiful.  Here's a picture she took looking upwards at the sun and the fall leaves.

And just before taekwondo today, she took this photo below in our front yard late this afternoon.  We were about to get into the car to drive off, and she spotted something she wanted to take a picture of there, so she hopped out of the car and snapped this photo below.

We weren't exactly leaving yet, so it wasn't like we were waiting on her or anything.  She just spots something and starts to envision what it would look like for a photo, and there she goes.  Here's another photo she took from our yard this afternoon.

She's got a good eye for photos.  She's still especially fond of the close-up shots with the blurred backdrops and depth of field.  She's doing great though.  Mommy and I went off with her to taekwondo, although we didn't stick around, as we were off getting groceries on our shopping list.

No, it wasn't an Apocalypse Bingo list, but that is the sort of atmosphere we have here.  It's the ol' "If anything can go wrong, it will" sort of mentality that wants to slide in there, but we keep trying to think positive.  Everything works out for the good of those who love the Lord, and we just have to trust Him, even when things are going in directions we feel uncomfortable about.  Nana is still not eating, and is repeating the fact that she wants to die, over and over again.  We're doing our best to offer her reasons to live, and doing our best to shower her with love.  Madison has been warm and friendly, though she's also been wanting to hide in her room too, understandably at times.  We'll all sit together on the couch and watch something, completely worn out from the verbal jousting and emotional roller coasters.  And then things suddenly brighten up for some odd reason, and we're all a happy family.  

Nana didn't eat, but the rest of us had calzones again.  They have these at the grocery store, and the ones we got were super good tonight.  Maybe it's just that I haven't had one in a while.  Madison ate hers in a hurry, they were so good.

Ironically, the image above is actually the movie we watched tonight - the one with Kronk in it?  "The Emperor's New Groove" is a classic, a hilarious movie and one of our favorites.  Uncle George had not seen it before, and neither has Nana, and the rest of us can watch that movie a squillion more times before it gets old.  It was a nice way to end the night, just sitting on the couch there.  But tomorrow will be another day, and the thought of it doesn't offer any relief.  We're doing our best, and of course we're instructed not to worry about tomorrow.  Today certainly has enough troubles of its own.  We'll get through it.

We prayed tonight, and we read again.  And then we slept the kind of sleep that those exhausted souls get, collapsing in bed, and spent in every way.

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