Friday, October 23, 2020

New Sword

Madison got a new sword today, although this one isn't a real sword.  It's a practice sword for her new weapons training.  Her leadership class focuses on different weapons each cycle, and this time around they'll be learning to twirl a sword around, or actually use it as a sword.  With this brings the exciting prospect of having Madison able to do some pretty cool maneuvers with a lightsaber.  It'll take some time before then, but I believe her jedi training will continue to the point that she'll be able to block laser blasts, or take out Sith Lords.  Stay tuned for that.

Nana and Ye-Ye took Madison there tonight, as we were unsure of how things would go with Nana.  They took her to eat as well, and that was nice.  The thing with Nana was her doctor visit today.  It was one that didn't go so great from our point of view.  For one thing, nothing was mentioned about any cognitive functions, despite the fact that this was the very reason for her arrival.  Nothing was done about that "refusal to eat" part either.  It was all just the mandatory blood pressure and blood test stuff, and all that came at a price:  she didn't want to be there, and threatened to sue anyone who touched her.  She eventually relented, and her blood pressure was good.  There was something.  But the initial problem wasn't even brought up.  She was mad at us for taking her to a doctor, but a lot of the unpleasantness was eventually forgotten, just as much of her day is.  The end result is that we don't know what's going on, and we still don't feel like we have any hope.  It's a strong feeling here that she's simply going to collapse from a lack of food, and then there'll be a hospital stay, and then we just go from there, hopefully dealing with the primary issue. If only we could settle her mind with something.  It's been a roller coaster.

Tonight she was okay.  We all watched "Sky High" together, as Mommy was wanting to watch that one.  Mommy made tikka masala for everyone, and it was perfection.  Even Nana had some of it, her mood just right enough.  It wasn't that much at all, but it was something, and it was nice to see her eat that.

We said our prayers tonight, but we were again exhausted.  It's been a stressful season.  

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