Wednesday, October 7, 2020

ISS Flyby

 Madison took this picture tonight, although you can't really tell what it is.  I may have to try one later, but from time to time, we'll see the International Space Station go overhead, and tonight was a better night with a six-minute journey across the early night sky.  You can see the blur of its movement to the left there at the bottom.  Again, we may do this with a tripod and all that in time.  But for tonight, it was just nice to get out with a clear night, and sit there and stare upward at the night skies as silently astronauts flew many miles overhead.  Madison used the flash in one picture, and I told her the astronauts probably saw that.

Anyway, it was not a good day today overall, at least not for Nana.  She's still struggling mightily, and Mommy is therefore also having a terrible time of it.  There is a lot of stress in the house, and there are times we are wondering how things will work out.  The good news of the day is that there is an offer on the condo, and it's a cash offer.  We did a lot of forms this morning on top of that.  Lately, we've had forms for compensation for funeral expenses, forms for life insurance, forms for benefits, forms for real estate agents and forms for all kinds of different things.  We're cancelling newspapers, cancelling cable, cancelling electric and cancelling other things.  We're making progress with the logistics, but still there's not much visible progress with Nana sometimes.  There's not much we can do, and we're discussing a lot of options.  We're worried. 

Tonight, we sat and watched a movie together, "Coco," and that was good of course.  Mommy wanted to watch that one, and with all that's going on, we'll let Mommy watch whatever she wants!  We prayed tonight, and we also read from our devotional as well as our latest book.  It was a long day for Mommy, who was off to sleep rather quickly tonight, along with the rest of the house.  I've been writing the script for this weekend for Kidpak, and getting notebooks done at KidPak.  It's been productive, but stressful today.  

Wouldn't it be nice to be an astronaut, floating above all of life's problems, not worried about viruses or politics or anything going on in the world. 

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