Here's Madison, Mr. Hamilton and his son Andrew, and of course Daddy - we're posing for the computer after a session of taekwondo. It was pretty amazing to watch Madison this very day because she was super good with the sparring. Her high kicks were especially lethal today, and relentless. She admitted later that she should throw in more punches for variety, but the simple fact was that her kicks were accurate, quick, and a lot stronger than Daddy has seen lately. You could hear her over all the other sparring couples out there, the impact from each strike. It was hilarious, and yet slightly intimidating!
We didn't have school today, one last day to sleep in and relax around the house. Madison did piano today, of course, but a good portion of the day was figuring out her phone, helping Mommy a little, and watching episodes of "Kickin' It" on Disney Plus. Tonight we were watching a few episodes of "Big Hero 6," which is actually a pretty fun show. We read tonight, from the devotional, and from this Star Wars book once more. It's a big one, but we're probably looking at another week and we're done with this. Daddy can't wait to get back to Narnia, although this book has been pretty good. Daddy is also reading this Abraham Lincoln book afterwards, and it's nice.
Ugh. We're still somewhat under the weather. Daddy has been sleeping in the guest room, just because his nose is stuffy and what happens when you try to sleep and your nose is stuffy? That's right, you snore. There's a marriage conference this weekend, and they talk about the usual stuff, but do they ever talk about practical stuff like this? No sir! True love is banishing yourself to another room because you know you'll be snoring and you want your wife to have a good night's rest. Yep. It's lonely in there, but hopefully this too shall pass.
Anyway, it was a decent day today. Daddy was at work, and Daddy was doing things like getting the car looked at and getting things caught up with work. Speaking of which, Mommy was working on costumes today
She's making some of these hats and dresses from scratch, working hard in her sewing room, and creating these costumes for our characters for this series. We were trying to think of a character name for this one girl in a "Frozen" themed series, and after a great deal of working through actual Norwegian names, there was this sudden memory from the recent movie, and I think the best name for a female character: Samantha. If you've seen "Frozen 2," you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, here below is the script. I tried to work in actual characters from the "Elsa and Anna" series to make it almost canon to the "Frozen" universe. For example, Rona is actually a fish monger from the series of books, and she makes her appearance below. Nerdo, however, is our own obnoxious character here, a rather aggressive and odd KidPak presence that I've worked into the skit below. Anyway, let's wrap this up here now with the latest skit:
KidPak Adventures: Northern Lights“Snowflakes”
NARRATOR: “The Queen of Arendelle has taken upon herself to meet as many of the people within the land. Last time, we met Chef Florian, and that was a recipe for a good time for all! But there are other citizens to meet, and a very important message as you’ll soon discover here at KidPak Adventures: Northern Lights!”
ANNA: “Florian’s Famous Flagendorfers are fabulous!”
KRISTOFF: “Chef Florian, you’ve got to tell us the top secret recipe!”
FLORIAN: “Ah! I’m afraid I can’t.”
KRISTOFF: “Please?”
FLORIAN: “I have but three words for you. Let it go.”
ANNA: “I see what you did there.”
SAMANTHA ENTERS STAGE RIGHT, carrying a BIRD-NOTE (origami note featured in “Frozen 2”)
SAMANTHA: (handing note to ANNA) “Your highness! I have a message from your sister!”
ANNA: (opening note) “It’s from Elsa! (to KRISTOFF) She must have sent this by Gale Mail. (reading the note) Olaf and Sven got lost in the woods, but they eventually made it here safely. Honeymaren and Ryder are with them now, having a great time. I’m planning on coming to see you very soon. Can’t wait! (looking up, confused) Wait, what?”
SAMANTHA: (to ANNA) “Your sister is coming by for a visit!”
KRISTOFF: (to ANNA) “You didn’t think she’d miss out on your birthday, did you?”
FLORIAN: “This calls for a celebration! We will have free Florian’s Famous Flagendorfers for folks far and wide!”
NERDO: (entering STAGE LEFT) “Wait! Did I hear it’s your birthday, your highness!? It’s time for a party!”
ANNA: “Oh, hello there.”
KRISTOFF: (to ANNA) “This… is Nerdo. He works in the local toy shop here in town.”
NERDO: “Yes sir! And for this celebration, we’ll need to have ketchup for everyone! And I’ll make little wooden people, and little wooden boats too.”
SAMANTHA: “Um… what do you need wooden boats for?”
NERDO: (impatiently) “To deliver the ketchup to keep all the little wooden people happy! Duh!”
KRISTOFF: “I have no idea what he’s talking about.”
ANNA: (to NERDO) “Well, I certainly do appreciate your…uh…enthusiasm…?”
Fortunately, RONA enters and saves ANNA. The two embrace warmly.
RONA: (entering STAGE RIGHT, excited) “It’s your birthday? How wonderful!”
ANNA: “Rona! It’s so good to see you!”
NERDO: (to FLORIAN) “Who is that?”
FLORIAN: (to NERDO, hushed) “That is Rona. She’s just come back from fishing, but I wouldn’t make any comments about the fish smell, okay? She doesn’t react kindly to that.”
ANNA: (to RONA) “Hello Rona. You remember Chef Florian here, and this is… (gesturing to NERDO)…”
NERDO: (to RONA) “Oh my stars, yousmellterrible! What kind of perfume is that you’re wearing? Is it called Stinky McToots-alot?”
RONA is shocked
KRISTOFF: “Rona was just preparing a fish dinner for everyone. She’s a fishmonger, Nerdo.”
NERDO: “No, she’s more like a stinkmonger!”
NERDO starts laughing hard.
RONA: “How dare you!”
RONA marches off STAGE RIGHT.
SAMANTHA: “Okay, that’s cold.”
NERDO (moves to CENTER STAGE): “Don’t look at me. She’sthe one who thought today was show-and-smell. I mean, wow, talk about global warming!”
As NERDO talks, RONA returns with an oversized fish. NERDO is facing the audience, so he doesn’t see it when RONA whacks him from behind with it.
NERDO (falling down): “Great googly moogly, you hit me with a giant fish!”
RONA: “I guess you’re finding your dinner somewhere else, you little troll!”
RONA marches off STAGE RIGHT
NERDO: (rising) “Okay, fine then. (firing a parting shot) Smell you later!”
RONA marches right back in STAGE RIGHT and hits NERDO with the large fish again. He falls back again and looks up at RONA, who is clearly wanting to hit him again.
RONA: “Say I smell bad one more time. ONE. MORE. TIME!”
SMALL PAUSE, as RONA stands over NERDO with a large fish, threatening.
NERDO: (to RONA) “You stink!”
RONA raises fish to strike a mighty blow upon NERDO, but is stopped by KRISTOFF and FLORIAN. ANNA tries to mediate.
ANNA: “What is going on here, you two?”
SAMANTHA: “I think she was going to hit him with a giant fish.”
ANNA: (patiently looking back to SAMANTHA) “Yes. I got that part, Samantha.”
FLORIAN: “I think what she means is, why are you two fighting?”
NERDO: “Fishmongers smell bad!”
RONA: “And who needs a toy shop?”
ANNA: “Would you two just chill? The truth is we all need bothof you.”
KRISTOFF: “Nerdo, she only smells like that right now because she was out catching fish for everyone else.”
ANNA: “One thing I learned about from Elsa… was snow. All of us? Well, we’re all like snow that packs together. Only when we work together can we make something great. If you don’t work together with others… well, you’re just a big flake!”
NERDO and RONA are affected by ANNA’s words.
FLORIAN: “Well said, your highness.”
NERDO: (overly miserable) “But I don’t want to be a big flake!”
SAMANTHA: “Perhaps you should both apologize to each other.”
NERDO: “I’m sorry I said you stink.”
RONA: “I’m sorry I hit you with a giant fish.”
KRISTOFF: (muttering to ANNA) “Now there’ssomething you don’t hear every day.”
ANNA: “This queen thing certainly has some odd moments.”
CALVIN: (entering STAGE RIGHT) “It’s about to get odder.”
CAST: (shock) “Who are you?”
NARRATOR: “Yes, who is this mysterious rugged stranger? That’s a big question we’ll certainly answer soon!”
CAST nods at this good news. All CAST gathers together, actively listening to NARRATOR.
NARRATOR: “But there’s also something really big about to happen soon. Kristoff, would you be so kind?”
KRISTOFF suddenly remembers something. KRISTOFF covers ANNA’s ears.
NARRATOR: “There’s a big birthday party coming up this Friday, a surprise birthday party for Queen Anna. And guess what? Queen Elsa is also going to be here!”
CAST cheers
NARRATOR: “And because you’re all in Arendelle as well, each one of you is invited! So join us this Friday at 7pm, right here at this very spot. After the party, you’ll even have a chance to meet both queens, Kristoff and more. So be sure to join us then.”
KRISTOFF releases ANNA’s ears!
ANNA: “Okay, what’s going on?
NARRATOR: “Until next time, thanks for joining us at KidPak Adventures: Northern Lights!”
ANNA: “What’d I miss?”
CAST: “You’ll see…!”