Monday, December 9, 2019

Santa Cow is Coming to Town!

This morning's clue had Madison looking for an antenna, which was easy of course.  It's the antenna we use to pick up signals from Atlanta whenever there's some normal programming we want to watch on.  Which is rare, but regardless, we have the antenna there in the guest room.  So Madison looked for the large antenna, and there she found Jingle again, just hanging around...

It's a scene from "The Empire Strikes Back," and you can see Luke and Jingle Bell there hanging off the antenna, waiting for a ride from the Millennium Falcon.  Crazy!

She had a good day today, studying about pollution, and reviewing math for the upcoming tests, plus working on the ELA projects.  Mommy and Daddy were off getting props for the production, and doing some grocery shopping as well.  We all got home at the same time, and then we were off to piano class.  Mommy was along as well, because afterwards, it was time to meet... SANTA COW!

I KNOW HIM!!!!  This is I think the sixth year that we've gone out of our way to meet up with Santa Cow, and one nice bonus was that there was a free kids meal with tonight, with purchase of a grown-up meal.  We ate well, and Madison even spent some time as she did last year, making a new ornament with a cow theme, of course.

There was a spot where no one was over there for pictures, so we posed for a photo with Santa Cow!  He was up and moving amongst everyone, bringing bovine Christmas cheer to the good people there. And perhaps terrifying a few little ones as well.  But it was good fun as always.  Madison picked up a few pieces of stationary to make into a card, yet another craft she can make for the season.

You can see the "History of Santa Cow" here, or at least Madison's history.  We missed one year, I think, 2017.  And it looks like he's missing his hat that one year.  But as you can see, this is a sacred Christmas tradition, which makes about as much sense as the Yule Cat, burning straw goats and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.  So there's that!

We got home and watched the Ice Age Christmas special, and after that read some more from Narnia, followed by prayer and ... sleep.  We've got so much going on lately, we hit the bed quickly tonight!

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