Friday, December 13, 2019

Edgestravaganza 2019

It looks like there was a little training going on in the closet where Madison's taekwondo bag is.  Fortunately, Madison didn't need that tonight as she went to Edgestravaganza!

She was back again, along with the other students at Edge ATA, although this time not to receive a new belt.  She's been too busy with play practice lately to get that one, but we'll be back on track for a new belt for March, I think.  That's going to be the next color, which I think is brown?  Or red?  I can't remember.  Anyway, tonight, these are the students who earned a black belt during the year, in a nice traditional ceremony that Madison will be a part of someday.  Not next Christmas, but perhaps the one after... maybe.

They each received their belts and once the ceremony and demonstration were done, it was time for a party!

This is a traditional Christmas party with all sorts of themed games, including this super sweet one where contestants had to eat the most of this Elf-inspired spaghetti in a short amount of time.

They even had elf ears on!  This one got everyone surrounding the tables and cheering on the different elves.  I'm not sure who the winner was, although I imagine it wasn't anyone actually eating this concoction!

I'm getting a sugar rush sweet headache just looking at it.  But you can see Madison and the others below, cheering on the participants, at least until Mr. and Mrs. Edge extended mercy and ended this whole thing!

There were games where kids were wrapped up and decorated like snowmen while "Do You Want to Build a Snowman" played, and other games too.  And on top of that, there was plenty of food, different items brought by parents of students there.

It was nice last year, and a nice night this year too, a casual and festive time for families, and just like with last year, it ended with a unique reading of "'Twas the Night Before Christmas."

This is the version with attacking ninjas and Santa's spectacular sparring skills.  The kids enjoyed it, and so did the adults.  Daddy was taking pictures for the event, posting them on social media afterwards.  It was a great night!

Madison had rewards day today, which usually involves oversized inflatables and games, and she loves this sort of thing.  It's a day to reward the kids for good behavior, and gave them a chance to relax a bit, at least until next week when those midterms start up.

It was raining today, but it didn't matter for our plans, as we were inside today for the most part.  It was a good day despite the gloom outside, and the gloom of our government lately.  They've just announced some Articles of Stupid, which is to say one party is battling another and probably overdoing it.  Predictions are that they'll regret this in about a year's time.  We'll see.

We read tonight and we prayed for our leaders, and for peace.

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