Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Cold Practice

So here we are already off and running with Jingle Bell, who escaped again and was somewhere inside the house, as indicated with the clue above.  Jabba the Hutt commissioned Madison as a bounty hunter, and she was assigned to go after Jingle Bell, using the clue above. 

She found Jingle Bell easily at the piano, alongside Max Rebo's band, a Bith alien playing a clarinet of some sort, and Joh Yowza with his back-up singers.  Madison's reward each morning is finding that LEGO Star Wars advent calendar, and seeing what her next prize is.  We have no idea what that is until she opens it up each day.

Madison had a good day at school, especially when she got assigned a presentation on one of a few various people, and got assigned Dolly Parton.  She could practically write that presentation in her sleep.  Already we've seen two Dolly Parton Christmas movies this year, and this pretty much guarantees we'll see a third one before the end of the week.

Madison had Live to Give tonight, and she's been making flyers for Toys for Tots, the program that collects Christmas toys for underprivileged children this time of year.  Soldiers have been standing out in front of the school each morning, collecting toys in a large box.  Madison has put several items in these boxes this year, as we've been finding things in the house to part with.  Some of these boxes are unopened, and really nice gifts.

Baby, it's cold outside!  The weather is quite wintery, and supposedly there's a threat of a "winter mix" next week.  We'll all treat that like we treat our sports championships in Georgia:  we'll wait and see.  No sense getting your hopes too high, right?

Anyway, tonight we had play practice again, so we were off back at the church again.  You can see Madison below, being drug in by the lady who runs the orphanage.  Mei-Mei peanut are the new orphans being "shown around" by Blanche, the cruel lady who runs the orphanage.

You'll also notice the train on the stage - the set is still being constructed.  But wow, that train looks in pretty good shape, considering it's been sitting in a warehouse for a decade.  Seriously, the last time it was used anywhere was right here on stage, and that was in 2009!

Madison was so little back then.  You can see the set looks a lot different now from then, that is if you follow the link above.  But the train is still in great shape, and this series should be a lot of fun.  As for practice, that was fun too:

The kids got a lot done tonight, doing a lot of blocking and remembering their lines really well.  Madison is the gruff, streetwise character, but she'll soften up before long.  In the play, it's implied that she and Nerdo hit it off well, and contribute to the downfall of our villains.

Tonight Madison did well with her practice.  It did go on for a while though, so we got home a little later.  We'll have to wait on reading until tomorrow - tonight we just said our prayers, and got under those nice warm blankets rather quickly!

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