Sunday, December 22, 2019

Holly at Free Chapel

So "Holly" is here, and it was a tremendously long day.  We didn't have time to go home between services, so we were pretty much at the church from 6am to 7pm or so.  We had the alarm set for 5am, and yeah we were pretty tired.  And Daddy was not feeling well all day long.  In fact, at one point between performances, he couldn't even stand up, for fear of getting nauseous and throwing up everywhere!  I remember overhearing the sound team guys backstage saying, "And that's why I sanitize everything back here."

And some of our other cast members were in the same boat.  Again, fortunately Madison was doing just fine.  And here's the thing:  when we went out on stage to perform, everything was just fine.  We did great!  Madison was not even nervous - she said she didn't even really think about all the people in the audience.  And there were a lot of people there.  The church was packed, and there were people watching online from Africa, Central America and places all over the globe.  Of course, that included many places here in the United States as well.  We were on stage for the world, basically, in a live performance done three times.

Despite this, everyone was confident and without any real worries or racing about.  Things went well for the most part in that first service, and the second service was more secure.  The third service was a tough one, as some of us were super sick by that time.  But even so, that service turned out very well.

It was an unforgettable day!  Madison had the greatest time, although it was somewhat bittersweet, given that it is all over now.  But this was a wonderful thing for her, and pretty much our best Christmas gift for her.  Of course there are other great gifts on the way, but this one was one she just loved so much, the experience of a lifetime.  This picture on her face during the performance just sums up her joy of getting to be a part of all of this.

We've got a lot of pictures to go through here - all of them taken by the staff of the church here.  But these are just a smaller portion of the photos taken today of Madison and Daddy too, as well as all the other cast members and performers.  Enjoy!

The happy ending!  Steve decides to adopt all the children.  Which is ironic, given the fact that Clint actually has adopted two children since the last time he's been in this role.

A fairly fun moment, where Madison gives a loving hug of the cruel orphanage director.  The audience realizes it isn't a playful hug so much a little later, as Madison has picked her pocket.

Opening the performance were dancers and a violinist doing the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy.

Madison shows everyone the watch she pickpocketed!

Madison and her fellow orphans backstage.

Daddy and Nerdo backstage.

Blanche and Marv, the two orphanage directors, overact for the press.

Another angle of that hug.  Blanche is throwing her hands up in the air because she does not want orphans to touch her.  "Get it off!  Get it off!"

Nerdo hatches a plan!

Mallory plays the role of Holly.  You wouldn't know it, but she was on the verge of strep throat!

How great to see our KidPak cast upstairs!  Dawn and Clint did wonderfully today!

Steve is too busy this time of year, but needs to make time for Holly.

Jordan, an orphan we named Chatterbox, sweeps the orphanage while singing a song.

Princess, Dizzy, and Mei-Mei.

It's time to pray!  The orphans kneel to pray, although Mei-Mei has doubts.

Marv and Blanche celebrate their scheming.

We sang "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year," with some altered lyrics:
It's about being wealthy!
Hey let's take a selfie!
We look pretty good, don't you know?
We'll be sharing the stories
and tales of the glory
while swimming in all of that dough!

An unexpected meeting with Steve.  Notice Daddy is carrying that "Shopper's Express" bag.

Steve's great idea of generosity is Blanche and Marv's nightmare.

Our Christmas carolers sang "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen."

Generation Praise sang, the little kids doing Christmas songs, and a notable version of "The Star."

"Today a child is born on earth..."

Pastor Lance delivers a message afterwards, one that he and Daddy wrote together last night.

"So I am a Princess?"  Yes, you are a princess!

Actual Hall County officer Franklin apprehends the fleeing subjects.

A happy ending for all!

It's time to celebrate!

The celebration song goes on, complete with snowfall!

Singing, dancing, and snowfall!

Pastor Franklin delivers a few remarks in closing, ending a remarkable service.

Here's another shot of our violinist, with the logo for Holly in the background.  Daddy suggested this idea for the logo some time ago, and was so excited to see it on the screen.

She was a very animated performer, and also very skilled.

As were the dancers that accompanied her!

Marv and Blanche take questions from reporters.

The kids play a practical joke on Marv.

It's an ambush!  Steve is surprised by Holly and Sabine.

Orphans praying for parents, and perhaps a sandwich.

Nerdo saves the day.  He was fantastic today!

Our nativity scene - the little angel to the right is singing "The Star."


What was great about today is that this play - this one little play that Daddy wrote - was being performed in four different places with four different casts.  It was being performed down in Suwannee, up in Spartanburg, and over in Orange County.  Here's a shot of Camille and Daniel as Holly and her dad Steve at our Gwinnett Campus.

After the 5pm service, Daddy was surprised when Pastor Franklin called him out, letting everyone know who wrote this thing.  It was a very kind moment, a short one, but such a blessing.

In the end, it was not just Daddy, obviously.  We had a great director, and Pastor Lance was fantastic with ideas as well.  Our backstage crew was brilliant, and our sound team spot on.  The lighting was wonderful too.  But here are the stars:

Those nine kids that have been to all of these practices were just remarkable.  Each of them knew this script inside and out and had nerves of steel going out there and performing for the world.  Each one was committed, and super talented too.  We are all so very proud of them!

And each one was a lot of fun to be around.  It was a lot of work putting this together, weeks of sacrifice and missing out on things we normally get to do this Christmas season.  But God arranged for us to do a lot of other things, and I believe it all worked out in the end.  The big thing was that these kids were willing, and they were serious about doing their best.  And that's what we saw:  the best.  They were fantastic.

But there's no question who our favorite was!

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