Monday, December 23, 2019

We Need a Bacta Tank

So you can see here that Jingle Bell is recovering from something, as he's in some sort of Star Wars medical facility along with Luke, 2-1B, and FX-7.  I still remember these medical droids' names after all these years, which is pretty amazing.  Also, I remember that this medical tube is called a "bacta tank."  As in several instances throughout this elf's visit with us, his condition sometimes mirrors that of Daddy's, who was finally given a few moments to recover today, still sick.  The weekend of course did nothing to improve said condition.  If only we had a larger sized bacta tank here at the house, perhaps that would help with the lungs and so forth.

One thing that did help was sleeping in.  Extreme sleeping in.  We all participated in extreme sleeping in this morning, and that was just fine, as yesterday was ridiculous.  But there were still things to do today, including a lot of wrapping, and of course the advent calendars in the morning.  We do the White House one each day, and there's the LEGO one, plus Daddy's "Twelve Days of Socks," and Mommy has a Crunchie Bar to find each day too.

We intentionally stayed in pajamas all day long, even sneaking out to get the mail in those pajamas.  We watched a few Christmas movies, including "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," "Jingle All the Way," "The Santa Clause 3," and here's a new one for Madison:  "The Star Wars Holiday Special."  Yes, she endured this one, and it is still just as brutal as we remember it.  This was so she can say she did it, just to prove to the world that she is a real fan.  Because no one else would voluntarily put themselves through this.  It was playing in the background as we were doing a bit of gift wrapping, and also doing one of my favorite little things:  putting cloves in oranges.  Have you done this?  The three of us made a few of these oranges, where we kept inserting cloves in patterns, or simply just covering every square centimeter of these oranges with cloves that have been inserted.  The resulting smell is quite pleasant.

Our neighbors dropped by with some delicious baked snacks, which was really nice.  They saw the performance yesterday and told us how much they enjoyed it.  And that was pretty much it for our day.  We still have a lot going on, and a lot left to do.  But today was needed for recovery and rest.  Only a few more sleeps 'til Christmas!

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