Monday, December 2, 2019

Bounty Hunting is a Complicated Profession

Jingle Bell made a run for it this morning, heading off with the LEGO Advent Calendar!  This of course didn't sit well with Jabba the Hutt.

This morning beneath the Star Wars tree, Jabba sat there with a few of his friends, apparently willing to fork out a reward for finding Jingle Bell.  Here are the instructions for any bounty hunter that is interested.

It looks like Madison is going to be a bounty hunter.  But as the card is pretty clear about, bounty hunting is a complicated business.  Nearby, you could see several other bounty hunters ready to lend a hand.  Dengar seems especially interested!

Don't worry.  Bossk is nearby as well - he's in the back.  I believe Dengar is standing in front of him, but in the first picture above you can see him, although a lot smaller of course. These bounty hunters are from Daddy's childhood.  With the exception of that newer version of Greedo there to the left, the six bounty hunters are approaching forty years old!

Anyway, this morning, Madison did a bit of bounty hunting.  And if you figured out the card, you knew that all she had to do was look into the refrigerator.  And that's in fact what she did:

The LEGO Star Wars advent calendar was on a lower shelf.  It seems the Hoth Rebels are interested in talking with Jingle Bell though.  Madison put together her next LEGO prize, closed the refrigerator, and got ready for school!

It was a good day at school for Madison, getting back to school.  She's going to be helping out with the Toys for Tots, and tonight we were even gathering together some toys to donate.  She's starting to study the southeastern area of Asia, finally.  Of course, that's going to be easier for her than southwestern Asia, which was a bit more of a pain than anything.  I mean, we were all super anxious to leave Lebanon.

Mommy and Daddy went to the dentist to do some repairs on Mommy's tooth that came out DURING THE MOVIE Friday.  It was a gummy ginger candy that was the culprit - sucked it right out.  But the dentist was able to glue things back in place today.  We stopped and did some shopping on the way home, and Daddy found an absolute gem on sale on the way home:

This is a shot of the interior of the album artwork, something you can only see if you buy THE MUPPET CHRISTMAS ALBUM on VINYL!  Yes, it was a reproduction.  Daddy got it on sale at Cracker Barrel, and of course we were listening to it right away at home.  We have this on CD, so its not like any of this was new.  What was new was that sweet vinyl sound on a record player.  This is easily in the top five Christmas albums of all time for me.

At Cracker Barrel, Mommy and Daddy got to sit next to the fireplace today, which was roaring and just so cozy and warm.  It is such a cold day outside, and this was a very pleasant visit, and a great meal as always.  Afterwards, we were doing a bit of shopping in their store, and the place was packed.  Yes, it's Christmas season!

We saw Nana and Ye-Ye for a bit today - he had come over to repair our dryer, which started out with us watching on a video channel a guy who has videos that tell you how to disassemble a dryer and replace certain parts.  These videos are so helpful - we learned about replacing car parts, preparing certain foods, and all kinds of things online now.

Tonight we had piano class, so Daddy was off with Madison in that direction for a time.  Madison is learning a new song, and has to keep up her piano practice:  time is more limited now, so we have to work on getting that going again.  You really have to fight to keep all of this in place.  I'll share plans on that in a bit, but she was at class tonight, and then we were home again.

Madison had a little homework to do, including taking notes for an upcoming test.  We've got some big tests coming up later this month.  But tonight after studying, we did have time to watch another Christmas movie, so we sat down on the couch with the popcorn and watched "The Santa Clause," which looks great on Disney Plus.  It was nice sitting together watching this classic movie - it's so great.  Makes you want to go out and get a weenie whistle and a copy of the game "Mystery Date!"

Tonight, we continued to follow Shasta's journey towards Narnia in the book, "The Horse and His Boy."  everyone's enjoying this, and of course the devotional we're reading too.  We said our prayers tonight for everyone's health, and for the Christmas production.  We have practice again tomorrow night for that.  There's a lot going on right now, as it's December.  One day at a time...

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