Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Eve, 2019

It just doesn't feel like Christmas Eve today, nevertheless... it is.  We've finally arrived at our final day of all these Advent Calendars - Madison got a LEGO Porg, which was pretty exciting for her.  Daddy's Twelve Days of Disney Socks have been pretty epic this year, with Mad Hatter socks, Jack Skellington ones, Hercules socks and more.  Mommy got a few Crunchie Bars, and Madison got a note from the Bounty Hunter Guild thanking her for her help.  Her reward?  A nice pair of pajamas for Christmas.  She had those on tonight before bed - she loved them.  Jabba the Hutt saw to it that she was rewarded very nicely!

We were doing all kinds of wrapping today, and there was even a bit of last-minute shopping for Daddy, who was going out to get a reward gift for Madison.  We made a deal that she would get something if she got all A's, so out I went to get a copy of a particular game.  By the time she reads this tomorrow, she'll have already opened it up, so there's no surprise about it being "Super Smash Brothers" for the Nintendo Switch.

The weather outside is sunny, and so not like Christmas at all.  Still, we were frantically getting ready for all things Christmas Eve, with so much wrapping and baking too.  Mommy made a lot of her Christmas Reindeer Mix, affectionately known as "Christmas Crack" because it is so addictive.  We were watching the Santa Tracker on NORAD for a bit, this very early on.  Santa was flying over all sorts of obscure locations in Africa.

We watched the Christmas service at church online tonight, and that's because we were so busy and stressed out in a way.  We've spent a lot more time at the church lately, so this was okay.  We all sat down on the couch and watched the service on the big screen, singing along and there in spirit with everyone.  And afterwards, it was time to head south to Aunt Shain's house!

We had a nice meal there, as always, and had a great time with the family.  The house was decorated, and "The Polar Express" was on the television there.  There was all kinds of delicious food, and a lot of laughter tonight.  Christmas time is here, and it was so wonderful to be together with family.

But here's the one thing that we always look forward to:  the white elephant gift exchange.  It's hilarious seeing each item opened, and some are so hilariously bad.  Daddy got a few Christmas murder mysteries books (in a gift set that included "The Christmas Shoes").  And then there was this hideous thing: 

A crab cup holder.  Oh, and there was also the large Weezer Snuggie.  Which might have been super valuable to someone at some time.  It might be valuable now, for all I know.

One by one people opened up various presents, or stole them from others.  These were so odd, there weren't as many steals as usual.  Although there was an item or two that were stolen, on the whole, people kept what they set out to open.

Madison got a great gag gift, an avocado that you sew together.  And this is a gift item Mommy found in Florida this year on a trip to Goodwill.   Shain opened it up and got...

Yep.  Toilet Golf.  These were all pretty awful gag gifts this year, including this gem we found at Cracker Barrel that David opened up:

It is in fact a Pig Mermaid.  I'm not sure why it is a pig mermaid, but there it is.  Daddy got a gift item that Ye-Ye made up, and it was so remarkably bad that it transcended awfulness and was actually pretty funny.  Ye-Ye took it and promised to add a hanger to the back of it so I can mount it on a wall somewhere, which I plan to do.  The thing is so awful that it is a work of beauty!

Anyway, we weren't there for too long, as it was late and it was Christmas Eve.  We said our goodbyes, of course only temporarily as we're all going to see each other tomorrow.  Then it was time to head home for our long winter's naps.  We read "'Twas the Night Before Christmas," to Madison in bed, and left all the Christmas lights on for our yearly visitor.  We left cookies and milk out as well, at which point Mommy and Daddy snuck our gifts to each other out under the tree, including a few for Madison as well.  By morning, there should be even more gifts under that tree - but only if we get to sleep.  That we intend to do, as visions of sugar plums dance in our heads.  Madison was asleep early tonight, as we plan to be soon enough.  It's Christmas Eve again, and everyone's looking forward to tomorrow!

PS:  Before we go, here are some pictures that Aunt Shain took with her phone!

And to all a goodnight!

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