Sunday, March 31, 2019

The End of the Roman Empire

We ended our series today, and it went out with yet another great skit, which you can see above.  There's Daniel as our fallen Emperor, of course not really dead.  We had plenty of times to quote Shakespeare throughout this series, and that was part of the fun, although the kids were laughing all the way through at much of the other stuff in there, including Madison's part.  She and Skylar had speaking roles today, wanting to share something important that they felt they heard, and yet they were ignored in the script.  Today's message had everything to do with peer pressure, and it was a lot of fun for the actors, and the kids in the audience too!

We got home, and we were packing for a bit.  Daddy was struggling to breathe again, taking medicine and wheezing quite a bit, trying to stay indoors as much as he can.  I don't think it really matters!  We did take the car out to get it washed.  There's something about going through a car wash, loud music playing in the car as the foam and bubbles wash over the windshield.  Madison was in the front seat and Daddy behind the wheel as we went through.  Despite the chilly weather outside, the two of us attacked the car afterwards with vacuum cleaners and wipes.  The car is sparkling clean right now!

Madison did some piano today, and after that we were watching "The Lone Ranger" tonight.  Madison hadn't seen that yet, and wanted to watch that one.  So we did, and she enjoyed it - with a bit of popcorn, of course.

We all went to bed reasonably early, after packing movies, music, books and so on.  We're ready, pretty much, to head out the door once again.  Same destination, but with some new fun!

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