Monday, March 25, 2019

Middle Earth Day

Today is Middle Earth Day.  Coincidentally, Madison was wanting to visit LEGO Middle Earth tonight, so yeah, we were playing this game for a bit, listening to Shire music, and ... well, that was about it.  Because today was really like any other day today - there were basketball games at school that Madison has suddenly been into.  She's won a shooting contest, and just like that we've got a WNBA star or something.  Not really though - she likes it, and apparently she's pretty decent at it.  And she enjoys it.  And if that's something she wants to do in the future, then so be it.  But not at the moment.

Anyway, we had a good day today at school, and meanwhile the parents were taking a peppermint bubble bath, and eating Wensleydale cheese with cranberries.  Yes, it was a rather luxuriant sort of day.  We had Asian veggie burgers, which were actually pretty good, and of course doing a bit of work around the house.  Daddy was typing up the new series scripts - the "Romans" series has been unexpectedly one of the greatest things we've ever done here.

Madison has been doing some writing on her own, writing her own mystery at school.  That was pretty cool.  Daddy was looking at it, and honestly surprised at how good it was.  Suddenly, I'm realizing that I've been perhaps overlooking a not-so-hidden talent.  Of course, we focus on piano, on artistry, on martial arts, and even dance in the past.  But she has a real gift for writing, coming up with things from her imagination.  It's wonderful to see, given the fact that this is what Daddy does at church all the time with skits and so forth.

Speaking of "making stuff up," finally in national news (if you call it that), the long awaited results of the two and a half year hunt for evidence against the President is over with.  And now's the time for everyone to come to the realization that this entire investigation has in fact been a waste of time.  An expensive waste of time.  So what is the fruit of this?  Yeah, it's been stupid.  Our news organizations have been the absolute worst.  All of them are ridiculous.   I can't even properly express my disdain for the news media these past few years.  True journalism is such a rare thing - I'm not sure if we can find it anywhere anymore.  Ridiculous.

Okay, speaking of ridiculous, we started our first episode of "Gravity Falls" today, and it was super strange, which was what Daddy knew, but Madison and Mommy had no idea what they are getting into.  We got the entire series as a gift, and now the binge-watching begins.  The gnomes are hilarious, but I know this is just the beginning of weird, and fun.  Daddy has seen a few of the episodes before, but the family has no idea what's about to happen.  This series is a whole lot of fun!

And that's the day, I think.  Middle Earth Day was a blast, the day the media orcs got clobbered.  Of course, none of them realize how bad they've been, as they're merely there to advance some agenda rather than report things like "news."  I doubt they'll actually back off or confess they've been hideous.  But one can hope.  Until then, we've stopped watching all the national news outlets and reading them online.  We'll just stick with the Gravity Falls Gossiper.

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