Saturday, March 2, 2019

Stained Glass Design

Madison has been really into coloring these designs.  She got a booklet of these transparent designs at Christmas time, and lately she's been doing one after another.  It takes her a really long time to finish one, as you can see above, but she stays with it when she gets home, and even brings them to church to color in.  She gave a few to her friend Skylar at church and the two have been coloring these in during their spare time before going out to play those vuvuzelas.

Today we were off to see a few things:  first, "How to Train Your Dragon:  The Hidden World."

It was a good movie!  And can we talk about how cool Valka's armor is?  Anyway, this was a good movie, and a good conclusion to the series.  We're not going to say anything to spoil the movie, but the three of us really enjoyed it.  The theater was full too, so it's still a popular choice to go see this weekend for families.  We missed it last weekend, but were excited to see it this weekend, and today was wide open.

In fact, that's all we did when we went out:  we went to the movies, and came back.  Of course, Madison was working on her artwork, and she was working on her piano practice as well.  Daddy has been working quite a bit on a lot of writing lately for KidPak, for this new dinosaur series.  Things are really busy right now, but they should taper off just long enough soon for us to go on a little break hopefully.  The three of us need a bit of time off down in Florida, hopefully.  And the grandparents of course will love to see us as well.

Mommy was pulling out all the Irish decorations - we'll have to share a picture of that soon enough.  Some of that includes our leprechaun salt and pepper shakers.  It's great to see those guys on the table again.  Daddy got a box of Lucky Charms, and we're good to go for March!

It was a quiet day today, although we were doing a bit of work at home.  There's a lot to be done, and it sort of gets overwhelming in some ways.  But fortunately we're able to stop and do a movie or go and play a game or something.  Tonight we did a little bit of that,  playing video games and watching a few more episodes of "Star Wars Rebels."  We're almost done with that series, and ready to move on to something new.

And we're reading at night too, getting closer to the Blind Man's Treasure inside the Cave of Dark Wind.  It's been nice reading at night, so quiet and peaceful and full of love in our home.  Story time is precious, followed by prayer time and all the little things that follow.  We're very blessed!

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