Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Romans Road

We had this small group tonight, and I made a hand-out that demonstrated Romans Road, something that spells it out above.  Is uses some road signs, and also our Gladiator character with an uncharacteristic smile on his face.  It was a good night tonight - our small groups are just as described in their name: small.  It's a more intimate setting, and sometimes the conversations veer in completely different directions, and it's great to get the kids involved, talking about daily life or issues at school.  

Madison had another issue at school, one where she approached the guidance counselor with two friends.  The three formed a coalition to complain about another student who had some bullying tendencies.  We don't know the entire story, but it appears as if she had a more minor roll in this, outside of her testimony.  Evidently this other bully used some language along the way.  

Ah, these are the things kids learn at school that you'd rather them not learn.  You can't entirely blame the school system any more than you can blame the movie theater for the parents that bring a screaming baby into a PG-13 movie.  You just can't micromanage everything, as much as you want to wrap your student in a bubble wrap and ship them off to school with warnings not to interact with anyone.  Obviously, we don't do that.  But we do pray a lot, and God's grace has been wonderful for us.

Today was Free Ice Cream Day at Dairy Queen, so obviously we had to make the trip there for free ice cream.  This is a day you can't miss, if there's a Dairy Queen around you!  

I was at home before service tonight, reading to Madison and Mommy, and here we are generations later with this story from Neverland, or at least London.  And we're finally meeting Wendy Darling in this story, and seeing that she too has a taste of adventure similar to her mother Molly, or Mary if you know her in the more formal social circles.  Everyone is enjoying latest entry, this despite the fact that I am a bit wheezy lately with all the pollen and allergies.  Still, that does help with the Captain Hook voice:  "Quiet, you idjits!"


  1. Hello from Oregon! May we use your Romans Road hand-out at our Vacation Bible School this summer?

  2. Yes, certainly! That would be an honor!

  3. May we translate it into Spanish to use in our missionary work in South America ? -- MNMissionary to Ecuador

  4. I see you have given others permission to use this. Our church is giving Bible to students in an after school ministry - many of whom have no church background. May we use this to make a card to insert into their Bibles?

  5. Hello! Would you happen to have the original file for this and be able to make it available for editing?

    1. It's been a few years since I've made this - I'll look for it.

      What would you need to edit? If this is something you'd like to translate to another language, send me the wording you would like to use. Once I find this original file, I could plug in the appropriate translation and post it here on this page so you can find it easily.
