Saturday, March 16, 2019

Seussical Jr.

We went to see the Little Mill Middle School Drama Club in action tonight, continuing our theme of Dr. Seuss once again, and it was a really nice experience.

First of all, this was our first time inside North Forsyth High School.  We originally thought we'd be seeing this at the middle school, so we got tickets for the front row thinking we'd be in a gym or something.  But no, this was in the auditorium, which is a pretty standard room from school to school.  All of these school theater auditoriums look the same, and they look great.  We didn't really need the front row at all, because of the grading of the seats.  Nevertheless, we were right there in the front, and it was all a bit "in-your-face!"

It was great though.  The kids did a great job, and we were glad to see a few up there that we knew.  We went here to support Jaycie, one of our neighbors, but we also saw some other kids from the church.  And Madison of course saw some of her friends as well.  It was nice.

Before that, we were at Goodwill, which has gotten pricier and also with less options than usual, this probably due to all those people with cell phones that run in and check the pricing on everything and then buy it in order to resell it elsewhere.  What a racket!

But we did find some things there that we were looking for.  The reason we were there was because we were wanting to get some costuming ideas for our St. Patrick's Day mystery tomorrow.  And we had great success in that department.  But we also found some St. Patrick's Day records too - which we listened to when we got home.  Also, Daddy found a hard cover Terry Pratchett book, which is a real gem!

The rest of our day was indoors - Madison did piano, while Daddy put the finishing touches on the mystery he was working with.  Mommy was cooking some Irish food - we had some delicious Irish soda bread.  And potatoes too.

It was cold outside, which is sort of winter's reminder to us that it is still in fact winter.  But at this point, winter is just being obnoxious.  It's not a sort of "roaring back" thing, but rather this irritating presence that won't go away.  That sort of thing!

We started "The Sword of Mercy" tonight before bed, and Daddy pretty much finished up one of my life-long goals, which was a simple one.  But it was on the check list of "things to do," and I've now done it:  I've created a full mystery game, and customized it to the people that are attending, and made it a stolen painting mystery rather than one with a murder.  Everyone is coming dressed up as their various characters, and it should be lots of fun.


  1. Thanks I am glad you liked it (Sophia Hilton Whoville Citizen)

    1. REALLY late reply here, but you all did a fantastic job! We'll be seeing other plays at the school soon enough - looking forward to it!
