Friday, March 29, 2019

Dolphin Puzzle

Madison created this puzzle above, or at least the painting on top of the puzzle.  It was an old, small puzzle, and what her art club did was paint over a previous existing design, putting something altogether new on top of that one.  Madison chose this dolphin idea - she told us she made a lot of it up, not copying it off of anything else.  This was almost said like an apology, as if just making something up is a bad thing in art.  No, of course it's not.  And she did a decent job with the puzzle.  We'll have to try it out sometime!

She did her Canada test today, something she felt ready to take now.  Now she probably knows more about Canada than we do, which is honestly not much.  I mean, we've both been to Canada a few times.  Daddy was up along the route from Buffalo to Montreal, marveling at the use of French and the metric system.  We saw Toronto, and a beautiful church in Montreal, and the Thousand Island area up there.  Recently we were up at Niagara Falls, but that was before Madison.

We asked her what she knows, and the funny thing was the first thing she thought of, which is, "They're fighting acid rain."  That and, "Quebec was wanting independence from Canada."  These two could be related.  She quickly backtracked from there, saying she knew that the Hudson Bay was in Canada, and there were the Great Lakes too.  Which, of course, are mostly in the United States, but I think she knows that.  So ultimately, what have we learned about Canada, by way of our school system?  What nuggets are there to share?  They have acid rain.  Oh, and the French lost to the English a long time ago in some wars about trading.

I'm sure our Canadian readers may be slightly miffed at this point about our educational system.  I mean, this is the sum total of what our children are learning about Canada.  I think there was a bit of geography in there, but she doesn't quite know the capital of Canada, Ottawa.  She didn't have to learn that.  I feel bad for Canada now, and am going to have to take it upon myself to teach her a little more about at least the geography, and maybe something else.

Honestly, I was hoping to learn something interesting myself, because sometimes she brings home little thoughts and items learned at school.  But nope.  Not with Canada!

Okay, moving on:  Madison was shooting the hoops today with basketball, although she wasn't doing as well as she normally can do.  She was admitting this much to us afterwards, but she still likes basketball.  March Madness is going on all around us, and of course our family is somewhat oblivious.  No, instead we're excited about baseball season, which is upon us now!  The Atlanta Braves are only a couple games back right now from first place!  Of course, they've only played two games, so there's that.  But still, baseball games are more fun to go to than basketball games.  At least, that's our general opinion.  Madison can't wait to go see the Tortugas next week.

We were cleaning up at the office today, and at home we were starting a space campaign to rid the galaxy of the Empire.  We watched another few episodes of "Gravity Falls," moving right along with season one, all of us getting a kick out of Gruncle Stan.  Or maybe that's just Daddy.  Either way, we're hooked on the show, and will more than likely be binge watching it until the end of season two. Or whenever it ends...

Madison was doing piano today, and we were all doing a bit of work towards this weekend, mixed with some packing and some prepping for Sunday's service.  It was a pretty average day, one with scary amounts of pollen out there.  It's really affecting Daddy in a negative way this year.  Someone posted it best online, about how they are "now in a relationship."  With Sudafed.  Lungs are fragile things!  One moment we're complaining about the amount of rain, and the next we're begging for more, just to wash all this pollen away...!

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