Friday, March 8, 2019

Captain Marvel

We saw "Captain Marvel" tonight, and all three of us loved this movie.  In fact, everyone we've spoken to that has seen this movie really enjoyed it, but we came away pleasantly surprised, all three of us talking about Agent Coulson, Nick Fury's eye, the amazing powers of Captain Marvel, and of course Goose the Cat.  We won't have any spoilers here, but it really helped us all with our Marvel-fix, at least until the next movie comes out in just a month or so. We got there early enough to sit dead center in that last row, our favorite spots really.  We had our popcorn, and we were all ready to watch the movie before we accidentally started hearing about spoilers.  So we're spoiler-proof on this one now, and all is well!

Seriously though, it was a fun movie.  I can really see a sermon coming from this one soon, one that goes with our Summer Xtreme them of "Unleashed."

We weren't planning on going to see the movie tonight - it was a rather spontaneous thing, as we were initially planning on doing it tomorrow.  But our visit with the dermatologist ended earlier than anticipated, and we were looking at the weather forecast tomorrow, and we decided to just go for it.

The dermatologist appointment was for Madison.  We were over there in Sherwood Plaza today, and everything there was running normally, which is surreal for one small reason involving a shoot-out here a month or two ago.  Looking around now, you'd have no idea that this even happened, and that's probably for the best.  But we heard about this when it happened, and said, "Hey, Madison has an appointment there, right?"

Her appointment went well - we're dealing with a wart on her hand that is roughly the size of Cuba.  It might actually take a return visit to completely remove, as I think if you removed anything more, it could technically be referred to as an "amputation."  It was painful, and it is sore, but it's also partially gone now, and that's a good thing.  We'll return in a few weeks, and continue our glorious combat against this vile wart.  The visit was also for Madison's skin elsewhere, such as her face.  We got a prescription for this cream which when weighed per ounce is actually just slightly more expensive than platinum.  And you think I'm exaggerating there, but I'm not.  The wart was the size of Cuba.  No, I mean the skin cream.  It is about the size of a travel-sized toothpaste, and it is something like $400.  This dates me a bit, I could remember being able to put forth a downpayment for a used car for that much.  There are two routes to go with this skin cream, and one is the $400 version, which insurance may or may not cover.  Either way, that price is ridiculous, because the "other leading brand" that you can get at the local pharmacy is something like $40.  Which is one tenth the price, for those of you not paying attention because you're still trying to envision a wart the size of Cuba.  So, I think I'm correct here, but both of these products are the same, and one is ten times as costly.  If you have a coupon.

This, summed up, is the problem with our medical profession.  How is it that this same item is literally $360 more?  How come someone out there isn't connecting the dots here?  This should be a whole lot of common sense, but like taxes, a lot of us don't have a clue how much we're really paying - or not paying - and we're just sort of going along with things, too busy to stop and pay too much attention.  That is, until you get a bill for $400 for a half-tube of toothpaste.  And then you're like, "Wha?"

Literally, I was like, "Wha?"

Fortunately, we think insurance is paying for it, and we don't have that much time to pay attention to it.  Besides, that wart on Madison's hand is getting better, and now just roughly the size of Puerto Rico.

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