Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Wolverine Taekwondo

Madison is like a berserker when it comes to taekwondo.  We'll have to work on the strategy part more as we move along, I think, adding in some thinking ahead and planning out.  But for the moment, she's pretty effective, and slightly unnerving to the guys she faces off against.  She's like Wolverine, running in there when it comes to sparring.  The boys are at a distinct disadvantage, thinking they'll go easy on her - and I don't blame them for that thought.  We're all chivalrous, and you just never hit a girl, and... OMG, SHE'S KILLING ME!!!  It's funny to watch this happen time and again.

And Madison's strategy is totally Wolverine.  Which is to say, I'm not entirely sure it is a strategy.  It's just that inner Viking berserker thing going off, and she's launching herself at these guys, and getting so many solid kicks that it's got us laughing in the parent room.  We're watching this, shaking our heads and laughing!

I'm so glad she's not even shy about things.  She's got a lot to learn, of course, which is why we're here.  But in the meantime, courage is something she does not lack on the floor.  She says the hits on her can hurt a bit, but she can also give a lot of hits right back.  And she's doing a lot of physical exercises that will make those counterstrikes she gives a lot stronger too.  She's not as big as some of her opponents, but then again, she doesn't care.  She just has to approach them like Chun Li, quick as lightning and evasive as anything.

This morning Madison had Live to Give, and they were planning out the events for the remainder of the year, things they'd like to do.  Here's a list of suggestions she and a friend came up with:

  • Clean up under the bleachers
  • Clean up teachers’ rooms
  • Make the school more colorful
  • Plant flowers
  • Help organize people’s binders and lockers
  • Make school more enjoyable and fun
  • Try to stop people from bullying (mainly 8th and 7th graders)

The March of Dimes is a fundraiser they're making things for this month, which is a usual March thing.  Mommy was reminiscing about that with Madison, remembering the dimes that were collected.  Dimes don't go quite as far these days, but when all put together they still add up.  This morning, the kids had frosted doughnuts for the meeting, something Madison was quite looking forward to.

Speaking of March, Mommy put out our St. Patrick's Day decorations, and they all look great.  We have the towels hanging up, the stuffed animals in certain places, and the display set up in the kitchen - oh, and the garden flag outside.  Of course, we're already listening to the Irish music - it's almost like Christmas time, but with a lot more green.

Meanwhile, Daddy is hoping to have his St. Patrick's Day mystery written in time for the big day.  The family will be trying to figure out a mystery, and we'll all dress up as various characters trying to unravel the clues that are revealed one at a time by different characters.  Hopefully it'll turn out well!

Tonight, Madison (and Mommy and Daddy) were watching some of the final episodes of "Star Wars Rebels," which is just a great show.  I love the tributes to the original artwork of Ralph McQuarrie, but on top of that, the characters are fun to follow.  It's a surprisingly rich story - we actually like it more than we do "Clone Wars," which we also liked a lot.

We had our usual routine tonight before going to bed, praying for those that are sick, reading from the Romans devotional and also reading in Neverland.  We'll be in Neverland a few more books, it appears.  The girls are really liking these stories!

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