Monday, March 4, 2019

March Fourth

Mommy made us some delicious Shamrock Shakes tonight, and they were delicious!  It was mint and chocolate chip ice cream with whipped cream at the top and green sprinkles, and it was just right.  We had a few moments to enjoy our shakes tonight.  This all started when we were thinking about going to a fast food place to get a mint shake.  But we thought about it, and realized we could try it out at homes and sure enough, it turned out pretty good!

Today is March Fourth, and it's a marching band day thing, but we didn't really have time to join a marching band.  We did listen to that song, "March Fourth" from "Monsters University," on our way out the door to piano class tonight.  As in, "March fourth out the door, because we'll be late if you don't move it."  Madison had piano class tonight, and we even ran into Mrs. Pam again afterwards.  She's invited us to the music Winter Wonderland this weekend, something Madison looked forward to every year with the younger kids.  We might, although "Captain Marvel" starts this weekend, and that one is pretty exciting to Madison.  Okay, to Mommy and Daddy too.  Still, the music kids are going to "Rock n' Jump," and Madison loves that place.

She had a great time this morning watching the kids in class get into lip synch battles.  She was laughing at the boys doing songs that girl singers regularly do, but didn't get up there to do any lip synch battle herself.  She's still studying Australia, so we'll probably want to go to Outback or something like that.  Also, we've got to watch "Rescuers Down Under," by thunder!  We'll have a little Aussie fun before it's all said and done, just to enhance her studies.

There's a lot of really super cold weather coming, and isn't that exciting?  Answer:  no, it's not.  Nobody is thrilled about the really cold weather coming this week, but that's not going to stop it from coming.  Get ready to dive back into the twenties again, winter's latest comeback just when we were all relaxed and poised to dive into spring.  Winter is reminding us what it can do, although there's been no snow at all this season.  Nothing.  I can't even remember a flurry.  With all this precipitation this year, and yet there's not even been a flurry here for us.  That's crazy.

Daddy was writing today, writing a lot about our St. Patrick's Day mystery, and writing dinosaur devotionals as well.  It was a lot of work today, sitting on this keyboard, hacking away.  Madison was practicing her form a little when she got home, practicing for taekwondo testing a little later this week.  Nana and Ye-Ye just told us they are coming to see her get her green belt, and Madison is quite ready to earn it.  She's done a lot of work to get here - she's ready!

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