Friday, March 22, 2019


Angus is back!  This is a recurring character in our races, but he started out here with this race segment we have called "Leaping Lepers."  It's something that Daddy actually animated using an ancient program called "Motion," from long ago.  I remember being so excited to go to the Apple store and sit with a few others and learn how to use this program called "Motion."  We then set out to use it.  Daddy drew this animated landscape that breezed back, while having these characters hop up and down as if they were leaping across the horizon.  The goal was to get to Jesus first, when the "Hallelujah" chorus starts.  Angus was found online, and I doubt I could find him exactly again.  He doesn't really go with the other characters that much, but he has the same general build.  We just thought it was funny how disheveled he looked.  The fact that he was wearing something that looked like a kilt just added to the mythology of the character.  During the race itself, Daddy animated these small swirling flies that sort of randomly spun around him, also appearing to move forward as well.  We loved this character so much that in later races he appears during completely different series.  He drives a school bus during School Days, and rows a boat during our Castaway Cove series.  Daddy hopes to use him again in future events - can you imagine him as the pilot of an X-wing, or a chariot driver?  Yes, you can.

We did quite a bit of work today, and in fact Daddy is done with his "Miracles" devotional, pulling together twenty-eight daily devotional entries about the miracles of Jesus.  Camille wrote an additional one and might write a few more, as will another dad that also happens to go meet with us at taekwondo.  But the amazing thing is how fast this came together, and I think it will work out well.

The logo, however has been a bit of a process.  We thought we had something close to being done, but in fact no.  That's the way it is.  Subjective artwork and communication can get complicated.  But we're fast approaching, and in fact some other ideas have sprung forth about using our kids that show up for the "Acting Up" classes, and having them be a part of our session.  That will be great.

Madison had art club again, although there aren't many of these left.  She was spending some time working on drawing, including drawing eyes.  She's done so well with this latest drawing.  She uses pencils and smears them in such a way across the paper to add a bit of a gradient, and suddenly a whole new world is open to her of shading, darker pencils and lighter ones.  We let her know about the number 2 pencil, the number 3, and so on.  She's increasing with her skills with the pencil though.  This might be the most realistic thing she's drawn to date, and it's just a small part of her portfolio that she's keeping at the school.  We'll have to wait until we see all the finished products together, but we can't wait to see them all.  This year, she seems to be making some very good progress with her artwork.

She's also increasing her skills with the piano, although a bit slower there.  She practiced a good bit today, and once again we were hearing the song "Stitches" again and again.  But she's practicing, and we're so blessed to have a super piano in the house like we do, all tuned.  Even missed notes don't sound so bad, because this piano is being loved and being practiced on frequently.  It sounds great today.

We watched the LEGO Freemakers finale today, which was just hysterical at times.  It's actually a fun show to watch, one all three of us have been enjoying.

This guy steals the show for Daddy.  It's funny how we've gone to a random bad guy in a black robe back in the 80's, not stealing the show from Darth Vader... to a guy with a simple black robe who really does steal the show from Darth Vader.  The end of the second season was just hilarious, particularly what happens to him at the end.  We were laughing out loud at this, the three of us.

We've had a great season here, and everyone's been healthy and all is well.  We've got a quick vacation coming up, and KidPak has been going really well.  School is going super as well.  Life is beautiful!

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