Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Aborigine Dots

Madison's been inspired by the Aborigine artwork of late, and fascinated with doing artwork with dots, as you can see above in one piece of art she's created.  She likes to do other things as well, but the dot pattern has been something she's enjoying, experimenting with the colors and how they play against one another.

Tonight we finished up with the "Cave of Dark Wind," and finished with Nobeard, the latest resident of Neverland that we didn't know about.  he's been guarding a treasure all this time, a treasure nobody can look at:  Blind Man's Treasure.  It's been a fun, short book, and now there's just one more to read in the smaller adventures.  There are still two other larger books after that, and by all accounts, both Madison and Mommy are anxious to continue these stories.  So in Neverland we stay, and that's just fine of course.  Daddy is anxious to try one or two other books, but these have been nice.  As long as she keeps reading, which by the way she does:  the book series she's reading on her own is "Among the Hidden," which she got for Christmas.  It's five books, I think, and she's working on those right now as well.

Madison did some piano today, which is to say she was practicing a lot for a recital that she's not entirely sure when will take place.  But part of that recital is playing a song that Mommy and Daddy have heard endlessly, but now have the benefit of hearing... without a book.  That's right, she's got nearly the entire thing committed to memory.  We do too, although the song "Stitches," may not be our favorite memory.  But she likes the song, and more power to her, right?

She's doing so well with school right now.  She's getting A's on small assignments here and there and here and there, and it is all adding up.  It's something we take for granted, actually, because she's just so naturally good at certain things that it's really a surprise when a lower grade pops up here and there.  I think we've had one "C" in language arts recently, and it was on a smaller assignment so it wasn't too much of a drag on the grade average, and more importantly, she knew what she did wrong.  But this is just to point out that these sorts of grades are few and far between.  Her grades are really, really good, and we're very proud of her.  We know she puts effort into things, and a lot of creative thought into things as well.  She's a good student, and enjoys classes and her teachers.

Daddy has been enjoying writing about dinosaurs lately.  And Romans.  That's all that took place today, a whole lot of writing.  In my spare time, I'm working on this mystery for St. Patrick's Day.  it's going to be super fun, hopefully.  As in, hopefully, I can get it done!

We read today, partially from Daddy's devotional about Romans.  But also from Neverland.  Reading time is so nice, isn't it?  It's so quiet - except for afterwards when Madison goes to try and give a roundhouse kick to Daddy's bottom while she's lying down.  And then the accusations of bad gas and associated smells afterwards.  And the loud zerberts too.  Today it was "Goodnight Pooter Pan and Stinker Bell!"  Yeah, these are the moments she'll always remember.  Goodnight Smelly Von Walrus-bottom!

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