Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Selfie Night

There's usually a unique theme to FCY night, something on top of the messages that adds a little more fun and a little more draw to things.  Tonight's theme was "Selfie Night," and with that said, after service in the common area, they had about five or six of these selfie booths set up with lighting and all, and it was there that you could take selfies with friends.


Of course, when I got there I kind of wanted to join in on the fun.  Maddie and I went through all the booths super quick for some goofy selfies... 

Fun idea!  Maddie had a great time in service of course, and she's been sitting with a new friend to help her get used to service, and it's been working out well.  They had chicken tonight for a meal, and it made for an awesome night!

The rest of the day was nice too, although cold and rainy.  The "cold" part was a surprise, this late in April.  I believe the waking temperature was 49 and it just hovered there in the low 50's all day.  And that's not so extreme, but this late in the month of April it is in fact a chilly surprise.

We were working again today, of course.  Weird Science part two is coming up.  While Maddie was taking selfies, we were watching "The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes," the first part of a great American trilogy of Dexter Riley.  I actually like this movie a lot, and wish I went to Medfield College with the gang, always trying to figure out what Dean Higgins was up to.  These movies sort of help set up the mood and tone of "Weird Science," but the astounding thing is the large size of that computer in this movie, and just the memory of how big computers used to be.  We've come a long way, and of course now things are scarier too for certain.

It was a good day today.  We read tonight, and we said our prayers too.  Only four more days until the concert, Maddie reminded me.  She's excited about it!

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