Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Free Trappers

Well, today was the day as you can see above.  Our squirrel issue reached a crisis point, and something had to be done.  There were at least five squirrels repeatedly assaulting our back deck, and despite our attempts at "gentle harassment," they'd simply wait for us to go back into the house and then return once more to eat all the food, scare off all the birds and knock down all the hanging feeders.  We tried dumping buckets of water on them from above - which brought temporary fun - and we even tried the salt gun.  But ultimately, they just would not get the hint, this after months of raids upon our property.  Enough was enough.  I hate that it came to this, but now Mom and I are officially embracing our American tradition and becoming trappers.


Yes, we've already caught three of these squirrels.  Three.  This trap works really well.  Mom put a trail of seeds leading to it, a bunch inside as well, all of the gradually leading up to the spring device that has peanut butter and more seeds upon it.  Furthermore, our carpenter bee trap is set up out there too, already with four in its clutches.  So we're effective at our jobs, friends.  We're even considering quitting our job and putting on a bunch of fur, living off the land and trading pelts and jerky with neighbors.  We'll have a more rugged look as we explore the undiscovered country of Forsyth County, living off the land and building up a friendship with the natives here.  The winters will be tough, but we're made of a stronger material, with pure American blood flowing through our veins!

So what happened to the squirrels?  Well, Maddie had squirrel tacos tonight, and we made ourselves some nice looking fur hats.  Not really.  We relocated them to a spot directly behind the church where there's a running stream and a lot of trees.  When I was dropping the second one off, I believe I actually saw the first one there at the same spot, up in a tree actually eating something it found.  It's going to be tough for these guys, but it's mid-spring and there are a lot of trees, nuts, water, and places to hide there.  Plus you'll be together, so there's that.  I know it will be tough though.  But we were driven to this, because squirrels ruin everything.

Moving on, it was a decent day today.  A slow news day, but Maddie and I watched "Wakanda Forever" again tonight, which is a really long movie.  But it's a good one.  The water treatment for our Mars tank is officially going, so in 24-36 hours, we can add the Sea Monkey eggs.  Maddie had homework today, and was busy doing that.  She was on hand for one squirrel transport, the last one of the day, so the three of us used up some of our free points at the gas station, and the three of us got ourselves an ice cream.  Mom got this great one in a cup and Maddie and I got two cones, adding some toppings as well for the ride home.  It was nice to go out for ice cream together, even if it was just from a gas station.  

I was at work today.  We were talking about doing a future play, one based on "Esther."  We've been planning this for a while, and the writing continued this morning.  Mom was starting on Easter laundry, and disassembling the baskets at the house and basically getting the house cleaned up a bit.  It was a much-needed down day, and I'm sure this week will have that vibe to it, although there is still much to be done.  New series are coming, plus the summer events.  Speaking of which, we're nailing down our summer vacation, the first trip away that we've had in some time.  It'll be the first trip with just the three of us since 2020, so it's long-awaited.  Summer is coming here soon, so we're filling out the calendar for those months, and getting ready for what may come at church and with all the other plans in between.

Oh, and there's CATS.  Yes, we got tickets to go see CATS soon, and that little concert thing that Maddie hasn't forgotten about.  That's really soon, and Maddie is already scrambling to get a particular outfit together to wear to the event.  She's excited.

It was pretty late when we went to bed - that's the movie for you.  But we said our prayers tonight, and soon after, the three of us were fast asleep.

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