Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Recent Family Movies


We've been watching a few new family movies lately, and its been refreshing.  The movie "Yes Day" was good, as was "Lyle Crocodile."  Today's movie was "Secret Headquarters," and it was pretty fun.  It was a weird balance at times with fun and goofiness followed by cold-blooded murder, but otherwise it was a decent flick for us with an older teen.  There were some pretty fun moments that had us laughing, and it was just great to watch a few kids movies again, really.  I was starting to feel old!  I can't wait to see "Super Mario Brothers" this weekend - you need to watch more kids movies, really!

Anyway, it was a decent day today.  We were busy working on a big "Esther" play this morning, and then after that there was a funeral to attend for me, but Maddie was off for the evening as far as taekwondo and FCY go.  She was doing homework, and then there was that movie too.  We're working on "Weird Science" again, and it's fun to be back with such a historical series at KidPak.  I might even bring back the Professor character, one very legendary Professor Wisenheimer.  I was really wanting an upgrade in his costuming though - so we might see a new look for him, maybe one with Doc Brown hair or something.  Anyway, it should be a fun series - a short one though!  I have to get working on the next series as soon as possible!

There was a little time for Disney Infinity tonight, that old game we haven't played in forever.  Maddie was setting up a few play sets that we haven't seen in seven years or so, and we were running through those with whatever characters we want to.  Maddie was Flynn from "Tron," and I was Baloo from "The Jungle Book," and together we were battling Syndrome's evil robot army.  That's the random fun of this game, and it was still a great nostalgic trip back to what was.

We read tonight from our Kingdom Keepers series, moving right along with that one.  Maddie and I are enjoying it, although we're not quite sure where this story is heading.  It's just fun to be back with the old characters again, and then some of these new ones.  Plus the new ones are named after Disney legends, which is a cool show of respect towards Disney history.  Speaking of history, hopefully this season of Disney history is short - their animated pictures have taken an absolute nosedive.  We actually enjoyed the movies of the early 2000's and were happy to be along for the ride.  Except for maybe "Vanguard."  But lately this organization has lost its muchness, to quote the Mad Hatter.  Hopefully we can see a return to greatness, but until then it's very much a "Disney we once knew."  The author of this story writes of a Disney many years in the future, and hopefully it will be thriving once again with some good judgment.  We'll see, but as for the time being, our once passionate love of the brand is so cooled that we've gone from "oh we're seeing that the day it comes out" or "oh, we're going there as soon as we can" to "let's just wait and see." 

Anyway, moving on eh?  We said our prayers after reading, and then it was time for bed again.  It was a quiet day though.  Lately I've been reading before bed one of my Christmas gifts, another book from the Discworld, "Feet of Clay."  It's been a real page-turner, and a super fun mystery - there are so many different adventures within the Discworld.  We'll go from warriors and wizards to mystery stories, and they're all a great deal of fun.  It's just good to be with these characters again, and eventually Maddie will get into the City Watch too, as they have some of the best stories in the Discworld.  

Okay, time for bed.  We've got a longer day tomorrow, with FCY and a lot of preparation for Weird Science still left to go!

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