Saturday, April 8, 2023

Easter Production 2023

So here we are in full swing.  It's been such a long day, but we've done the production three times throughout the day, and as you can see above, Maddie has been a part of it, along with her friend Lilia, both Palm Sunday celebrants at the opening portion.  

Speaking of that opening portion, we're still using that video we filmed last year, and Maddie's face fills up the scrim as she peeks her head through the crowd to get a glimpse of Jesus - it's this massive projection and it's super cool.  

Below are a lot of pictures taken, some taken before the day really got started with the cool test patterns on the walls, and others of the production itself with the massive crowds on hand to see it.  There are plenty of backstage pictures too, of course.  Mom was super busy again, creating new costuming even today, as some of the dancers had to change costumes.  I was doing laundry all day, and in fact, there is a load of laundry going right now late at night because of all the fake blood involved in the production.  We never left the church today, our meals provided and there always being something to fix or wash or scrub.  I had a few movies playing nonstop on my television in my office, and meanwhile there were people lining outside to come and see this huge production.  The rain was pouring down outside, and the temperature got very chilly - in fact it is is 42 out there right now.  But people still came to see the greatest story ever told, and it was a very powerful and moving day.  We were honored to be a part of it.  Maddie enjoyed the day and had stories to tell, and people to whack with her palm.  The Great Palm wars were going on before we'd rush out there to wave them for Jesus, which can be expected of course.  It was a good day - a long one - but a good one.  We've got to get some sleep, because tomorrow is Easter, and it will be here pretty early.  I think we're getting up at 5am or so.  But the production was fantastic and powerful, and I know a great many people were changed forever by it.  We were very glad to be a part of it!

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