Friday, April 14, 2023

Big Fish

Last year on the bus ride back from Disney, Maddie was sleeping on and off, and there was a movie playing that she caught a few glimpses of.  Drifting in and out, it was difficult to see exactly what was going on, and so since then she's been wanting to see "Big Fish."  It's a movie we actually own - we have a lot of Tim Burton movies in our collection of course.  But we hadn't gotten around to watching this one with Maddie yet.  So tonight she asked to see this one again, and so we sat together to watch Edward Bloom's life unfold with all it's unusual stories and emotion - it's a great movie.  About three hours west of here is the place where they filmed the town of Spectre.  That would be a neat little trip, maybe including some other destinations along the way.

We got a special edition of the movie that came with a hardcover booklet that has artwork and quotations inside it, which we looked at afterwards, but that was our movie tonight after taekwondo.

Ah yes, taekwondo.  That was fun.  Maddie was wrestling with other students and of course there was sparring too.  She's seeing newer students now, and that's been fun and challenging seeing the fresh black belts come in.  She's moving forward of course, moving towards that second degree black belt.

It was a good day today.  We still have three aggressive squirrels left, so Mom has been setting up that trap up again, and yeah, we're eating our money's worth out of that.  We took a trip to see Nana today, and she is pretty thin and not quite as active, but she's in good spirits, so there's that.  We actually sat and watched on her television the Easter production from this past weekend, so she got to see Maddie and she also got to see all the costuming that Mom made.  We changed the sheets and brought some Easter candy and some fresh grapes - it was a nice visit.  We also got to called Uncle Ken in England and also Uncle George too.

It was raining again, and it's a humid and almost tropical sort of sky today, with large and blue thick clouds filling the sky like a massive water color painting.  It was beautiful weather today.  Our sea monkeys are multiplying, with more and more hatching, a fun flurry of activity there on the surface of Mars.  We're aerating the tank, swirling them around a bit, and we'll add the food on Monday.  We need to keep them away from any Big Fish, of course.  No worries! 

We read tonight, and we're creeping closer to the end of "The Last Hero," and it's been a fun read.  I don't remember much from this, but it's been nice to get a peek at some of the classic characters of Discworld.  We said our prayers after that, and we're heading to sleep now.  We've got a few things on the list tomorrow, and it should be a fun weekend.

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