Sunday, August 11, 2013

Night Watch

So at long last we began our new series, and as you can see above, our stage has now been converted to a museum.  We'll post a picture in a week to show the stage once more, and award ten points to anyone who can list what was added.  Hint:  it's something clearly missing in the photo above.

Not that this particular missing item cast a damper on anything - we still had a pretty awesome morning.  The characters you see above are the ones that (so far) interact with our new night guard, from left to right Abraham Lincoln, Octavius, Amelia Earhart, Black Bart, and Christopher Columbus.  We used the soundtrack from "Night at the Museum," and even threw in a bunch of lines from the movie as well.  Everyone enjoyed the entire morning's service, from start to finish.  And afterwards, it was time to slouch and rest and even snore a bit.

Madison already has the memory verse down.  We may post a video of her reciting that in a bit.  For the next eight weeks, we're at the museum, taking a walk back into history and learning a whole lot of Biblical principles.  And having a fun adventure or two!

After eating a bit of dinner and a nap, there just wasn't much time left in the day.  Church took up a good deal of space this morning on the schedule, so we had roughly two hours to spare until Madison's bedtime.  This is something we have to keep an eye on now that the school year is back in full swing:  we get up at 6:00 am, so she's got to get her beauty sleep.

Speaking of which, Mommy and Daddy were pretty exhausted from the extremely late nights and work involved in this series, so tonight we popped in another movie:  "Sky High."  Madison enjoyed it quite a bit - of course, she likes superheroes anyway.  It's a great movie if you haven't seen it before, one of those hidden gems.  We had ourselves a big tub of popcorn and camped out on the couch, determined to get as much rest as possible.

And yes, it rained again.  It's been doing that a lot lately.  This time, there was a pretty good-sized storm rolling through with wind and lightning and so forth.  We are sort of getting used to the tropical rain forest thing around here.  Pretty soon we'll have alligators and tree frogs.

Madison went to bed tonight, first insisting that Daddy read some more of the Bible to her.  How can you resist that request?  We went through the book of Judges a bit, the kid-friendly version with comic book-like pictures.  After our customary nighttime prayer, it was time for Madison to learn to do something very important:

Yep.  This is why it is so cool to have kids.

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