Sunday, November 15, 2020

Sparkle and Shine


Madison took this photo this morning from her seat - when she's at Free Chapel services, she sits pretty much in the front!  She's sitting with the Hunter family, and it's good to be with them in the service.  Pastor Franklin had a message about unity, one that's desperately needed for this season.  

Meanwhile she was joining us for the second service, which had a skit that I dedicated to her this morning.  It had a blobfish ray gun in it, one that made its victims think they were now blobfish.  This is one of Madison's favorite creatures, and I'm not entirely sure why, but it's okay!  Madison took this picture this morning, and currently this was the best skit we've had since the return to the church.  Lots of laughter and noise!

It was a great morning at church this morning.  And it was great to have the cowboy spies continue their adventure.  Another great thing to see was this:

I'm Agent Smith, the apple there.  Camille is Ms. Berry, and Isaac is the Ninja Grape.  We're fruit agents, and we're battling against Dr. Pickle.  It was a fun to see, and fun to film.  We had to stay super still with our heads while remembering lines and moving our eyes in the right place while doing the correct facial reactions.  It's more difficult than it sounds, as you really want to move your head some times when acting.

Anyway, Nana wasn't doing well today, and wasn't wanting to come to church this morning.  Or go to the Thanksgiving dinner she and the rest of the family was invited to.  The end result was that only Madison and I went over to Ye-Ye and Nana's house for Thanksgiving dinner.  It was a shame, as Madison's Great Aunt Rebecca was there, having come down from Michigan this weekend.  

She and her husband were there, as was Aunt Shain and Hannah.  It was a nice evening together, with a big meal and lots of nice conversation.  We were there a few hours, and it was just what we needed.  Mom stayed with Nana at home, of course, watching a movie or two in hopes that things could settle down.  By the time we got home, Nana had no idea where we even were.

We got home, and I wanted to watch that movie, "Nativity!"  It's a fun Christmas movie that we haven't seen in a few seasons, a heartwarming movie about a Christmas play, obviously.  We kind of relate to it, given our position here with writing material and so forth.  It's a fun movie.

It was a good day.  It wasn't a great day for Nana, again, but we're holding on to the hope that things will get better as time goes on.  It may not seem like it now, but we've got to hold on to that hope.  In the meantime, we were praying tonight for just that, and for my health too, actually.  I've got a doctor's appointment tomorrow.  

We read from our book, and it wasn't too much later we were super tired, and ready for some sleep.

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