Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Monsters Inc. Scare Cards

Halloween may be over, but I've finally finished the Monster Scare Cards.  I don't have 6,000 of them, or even 450.  But thanks to the internet, I was able to find some of the front and back imagery of these, then remove the watermarks and sort of do some clean-up.  It was slightly time-intensive, so that's what I was doing on and off during October.  You can see the end result above.  I have a few that are incomplete currently, such as Johnny Worthington and Carrie Williams.  But that might have to wait until later.  For now, I have a fairly decent set here, and they're fun to read the statistics for, sort of like baseball cards, but with Monsters!

So we've had some low moments lately.  A lot of them, in fact, and it's all related to Nana's mourning.  Fortunately, we've moved on from having to follow her to the edge of the neighborhood.  But she does frequently have breakdowns where the grief overcomes her.  It's tough, but we try to embrace her and remind her that we're here for her.  We try to distract - and there's plenty of things to distract her lately.

For one thing, we had taekwondo tonight.  She came along with us, and everyone has been so happy to see her.  She is treated like a celebrity when she enters.  Today someone gave up their seat for her so she could sit and watch through the observation glass.  She was watching Madison do her kicks and her form as well, something Madison is getting more and more proficient with.  Sparring was fun to watch too, as she can be quite ferocious.

Speaking of which, the election was today, and results were tipping in their usual direction until late in the night.  Too tired this year, we went to sleep, and were glad of it, as by morning things weren't much clearer about who the winner was.  Lately we've been so focused on Nana that we haven't had time to focus on elections or any world events.  We went to bed tonight, exhausted and ready for a new day tomorrow, not worried about any monsters in our closets.

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