Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Nutmobile


Ever just drive along, and sure enough, you see the Nutmobile?  That happened to us today, and it was a nice little moment that perked things up a bit.  Mr. Peanut was sadly not there, but there were three employees there who presumably drive around in this vehicle, set up a table and hand out peanut products and stickers.  Currently, we have a few stickers that say, "Nutmobile - I saw it!"  I'm not saying this was the highlight of the day, but it certainly was the highlight of our trip out of the house.

Basically, we were out to donate some books to the library.  We did that, and then went over to do a bit of shopping, discovering that the Disney Store was no longer there in Dawsonville.  That was a bummer.  This year has been very harsh, with one bit of bad news after the other.  

To help out with this melancholy vibe, we went to Pancake Junction this morning, eating a few delicious flapjacks to start the day.  With a full stomach, it was time to tackle the second Christmas tree in the piano room there, which took a while, but by gum, I got the tree up, fluffed, covered with lights, and fully decorated with a star on top.  

Mommy was helping out as always, and Nana sat on the piano bench, spectating.  The end result was rather nice.  Two trees down, and two to go!

Today's Christmas feature was "Scrooge," the old musical with Albert Finney as the title character.  It's a great version of this classic story, and of course there are so many different versions out there.  The songs in this one are catchy, particularly "Thank You Very Much," which is quite possibly the most sarcastic song ever written in the history of the world.  I am not making that up.

Anyway, it was a decent sort of day, one with little flashes of brightness to illuminate this dark season we've all been submerged in.  We read tonight, and we prayed, and we got to bed early.  Tomorrow we start a new series at KidPak, and it's going to be fantastic!

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