Friday, November 13, 2020

Getting Better

You can see we've got some more Christmas decorations up, and in that spirit we were watching some more Christmas movies today, and even an episode of the Andy Griffith Show, one where they have Christmas there at the police station.  

We've been listening to a lot of Christmas music, and there's always more to get out there, new material being made each year.  We just ordered the new Dolly Parton music, and how funny to see it being offered on cassette or 8-track tape!  We just got the CD, which some day may be as ancient sounding as the 8-track tape.  For now, we have a fairly substantial collection of jewel cased CDs.  Sometimes throughout the year we get them at thrift shops, off season, and usually when they're a bit cheaper so we can try out old stuff, or maybe something new we've never heard of before.  Anyway, we've been cycling through all these, and the albums too.  No tapes though.  But the atmosphere around here has been festive with the sounds of Christmas.

Nana has had a tough time though.  Still lots of crying.  We've been doing our best though, hugging frequently, and doing our best to just be there.  It happens a lot though, all throughout the day.  Grief is a such a powerful force.

Tonight, we watched a few movies to get her mind off of things.  Earlier, we were watching "Miracle on 34th Street," the earlier version.  And tonight was the main show, "The Muppets Christmas Carol," which is completely epic.  It's such a great movie, so timeless!

Madison had a science test today, and she did really well on it.  I was proofing material for KidPak that will be used in January, so we're a bit ahead of schedule there.  The weather is warm, which is also way ahead of schedule too.  We're battling back a bit with this year, and working hard to make things better.  Getting there.  Prayer helps - we did that tonight, and of course we read before bedtime.  It's slow-going, but life is getting better.

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